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About Lariam

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  1. How surprising comments. I could never go back to the old, original renditions of the BG and IWD games, but I think that they these games had many great features and I very much look forward to replaying them in NWN2 - with the great looks, new rules, etc. BG should be done by summer. And Slowdive_fan recently posted the prologue of his IWD conversion (he's looking for help with the conversion project).
  2. MoW's been ready for over a year. Finished. So, yes, the problems definitely have to do with (a) the distribution and (b) the delay. Why (b)? Because the new patches change things/break things. For instance, no point in waiting for MoW before 1.22 (which fixes some stuff that 1.21 broke) is released. As for (a), Atari still seems to be in the process of coming up with the online distribution site/thingy, and the Atari comments in the recent NWN podcast seem to me to suggest that there may be some issues with that, and that they are considering releasing MoW somehow, anyway. The last bit is just speculation on my part, though. We shouldn't expect the Ossians to have been polishing MoW all the time in the meanwhile, though. They've said they've been working on other things. An interesting question is: on what? The Atari folks say no further adventure packs have been proposed to them. Ossians say they've been working on something neat for NWN2 (among other things). Third (or whatever) xpac, perhaps?
  3. Short, tight, standalone. I like it.
  4. Yup, it's hard to say before one gets to experience SoZ... But, well, a fresh setting (within the Realms, of course - there's no chance an NWN game takes us elsewhere, and I have no problem with that). I wouldn't mind an adventure set in Icewind Dale, for instance (now that Spine of the World was mentioned). But really, anything we haven't seen. I like it how Obsidian went with Chult/Yan-ti/snake-themed interiors/etc. with NX2. Some new "sets" like that for the builders! I won't be surprised if there's no NX3, but I also won't be surprised if there is. NWN2 still seems to have loads of content in the pipeline. There's NX2, the adventure pack(s, I presume), and community projects like Purgatorio (perhaps those guys, too, are working on some commercial content..?). If NX2 seems to sell well, it might make sense to come up with one more expansion. As for the 4th edition, the devs have said, in an interview, that the 4th ed. ruins of Neverwinter would provide a nice setting. Or one of them has. Did Obsidian make a 4th edition game in the near future, could that be based on NWN2? Or are the changes in the editions such that a wholly new game would be needed? (Just wondering if we might get an "upgrade" of sorts to NWN2 - not just an expansion, but also not a wholly new game, really. Probably that's unlikely in the extreme.) Hoping to see some NWN-style goodness (A D&D game, set in the Realms, and with a toolset) from Obsidian in the future, in any case! Cheers...
  5. If I rightly recall, Bioware would've hired him, but he said no thanks - that he has a nice job, family, and is happy with modding as he does it. I'd presume the response would be the same for Obsidian.
  6. Well, what more can we wish for before an announcement than Rob stopping by in the relevant thread saying that they haven't been able to comment on the expansion that may or may not be in progress because the NWN2 team is so busy - where that is accompanied by: . As far as the Adventure Packs are concerned, the Ossian folks, at least, seem to be rather consistently talking about 'multiple projects' in progress, and about Forgotten Realms adventures in plural form, too. Still just rumours, but, well, that's what we get before the official announcements, right? Cheers! Lariam
  7. I'd love to see IWD3, but it should have a toolset, too...
  8. Well, it's a pity if this is linked to some of the PW forums. The quantity of responses is so small that even one or two PW teams (and their players) giving a certain kind of response makes a huge impact. [EDIT: This shouldn't be a problem, though, assuming that all sorts of players will find their way here eventually.] I first thought of linking this to the NWN2 Modules forum, as I know that there are many folks there who rarely read the General forum. But Rob McGinnis wanted to gather some information about who reads this blog (and when), and as the blog updates are given in the General forum, I decided I shouldn't do that. I'm not saying that the poll cannot provide interesting information (of many kinds), though. And it is interesting to compare the results with the Vault poll (which, by the way, doesn't restrict the "PW response" to PW players - and has lots of responses in the 'waiting for new content' category). Finally, I think (and I'm pretty sure that everyone agrees) that one cannot draw any straightforwad conclusions about what sorts of news to provide from this sort of poll to the effect that if most play PWs or SP mods, then the news should only be about the PWs or about the SP mods. As an SP mod player, I'm very much interested in any CC news. I'm not personally interested in the details of some scripting stuff, etc., but I'm interested in knowing about what sorts of possibilities have become available for the builders, etc. I'm not interested in the PW presentations as PW presentations, but I may be interested in seeing whta sort of custom content is being used in some PW, and so on. What I'm not interested in, as an enthusiastic SP mod player, is news about recent SP mod releases, say. I'll know those news before they'd become available here. Of course I wouldn't mind some news about some forthcoming stuff, though... And of course this won't apply to all SP mod players. People have different ways of gathering information about what is of interest to them. I'm sure that mod spotlights here would be of great benefit to many players. In any case, I do hope that the news keep coming! Cheers! Lariam
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