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About Zaydin

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. Hopefully the patch will go live soon enough.
  2. Okay, this is getting ridiculous. How does a patch as seemingly minor as this one take a month to beta test?! I get this is Bugsidian we are talking about, but this is just a new level of absurd for me. I had been really enjoying the game up until I ran into the bug that prevents NPCs from turning hostile when scripted cropped up, but now a lot of my enthusiasm for it has drained.
  3. Wish they'd pick up the pace; ran into a fairly bad bug and I can't really advance the game properly until it gets addressed in the patch, and since I'm on GoG, I can't opt into the patch beta.
  4. Really hope this patch gets released soon, since I can't take part in the beta on Good Old Games Galaxy.
  5. Really hope this comes out soon, as I own PoE on GoG, so I can't download the patch beta.
  6. The problem being that I'm playing on Good Old Games Galaxy, so I have no idea how to take part in a beta there.
  7. It's happened twice for me now. One during the quest 'Built to Last', when you have to find Vianna and get her research for Dunstan at Crucible Keep, and the other time it happened with the spirit in the graveyard in Heritage Hill, who supposedly attacked when I pointed out she was dead, but nothing happened. I was able to advance the former quest by force attacking Dodwyna and killing her, getting Viannas research off her corpse, but not sure what I can do with the Enthralled Justicars in Heritage Hill. I'm playing the GoG version, so no idea if there's any way to participate in patch betas there the way you can on Steam.
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