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Everything posted by morgos

  1. It's not about being cheap, it's about being poor and setting your prioroties straight. If you have a choice between cable and World of Warcraft... I'm pretty sure most people would choose cable. When you are on a tight budget, some things have to go and MMO accounts are, well, not a priority <{POST_SNAPBACK}> for some people <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For most people who work for a living. <_< <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For everyone, there are not many rich guys and jedi outcast and lineage are not mmo's
  2. I won today Jedi knight II the jedi outcast and I won last week lineageII :cool:
  3. hey guys, what is the subject of the chat? :"> the sith shall RISE AND WIN AND FRECKIN JEDI'S SHALL SUFFER
  4. Um, no, I wasn't and I got in a lot of fights. Won most of them to. there was this one time this kid and 3 of his friends decide to chase down the fat kid down an alley. They were all about a year ot three older as well. So they yelled and screamed, then charged at me. What they didn't know that I had 20 pounts worth of ADnD 1e hardcover books in my duffelbag. Just when the first kid was in reach I swung hard and slammed the book bag right into him. The force knocked him into the brick wall. He had a gushing nose bleed, a chipped tooth, and was knocked in a daze. The other 3 just stood there and looked dumbfounded. God, I love critical hits. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey man, In school im pist off to, some stupid bullys like to hit me and call me names, but I showed them, HAHAHAHA
  5. This bands are ..... I dont now i dont particuraly like any of these, maybe Led Zepelin and the beatles. But the best is Green Day :cool: and Ska-p (w00t) .
  6. Well, my musical upbringing was a little better in that my father used to be a talented musician, and even though he quit playing music in his early 20s and never picked an instrument again, he always talked about music (mostly the 60s and early 70s rock he grew up with). Still, i can't say i really had a musical education. I didn't wake up to classical until i was 22 and since then i had to learn pretty much everything from scratch. The biggest problem i had is that a lot of the 'concepts' dealt in classical music cannot be learned but need to be understood, generally after a lot of listening. There are a lot of logical leaps involved and you still need some basic informations to guide you. The flip side of this is that you don't need to know anything about theory, because theory merely describes what occurs aurally, and aural understanding is the only thing that matters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :cool: Im in to rock, jazz,reggae,ska,punk,blues, (w00t) classical,.............
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