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About Howlix

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Firstly I would like to start this off by saying I'm an avid fan of the tabletop version of this game. I have all complete sets so far and kickstarted apocrypha the day it was announced. You guys have done a fantastic job bringing this game to the digital format. I love this game when it's working properly. And therein lies the problem...the bugs... There was a beta (which I didn't get into despite applying) and presumably the game was pushed back repeatedly to address feedback from it. The bugs experienced by almost everyone so far should have been evident in beta. So why were they not addressed? Was the final version released on the App Store not tested prior? Was the beta test pool too small? When can we expect a patch to fix the issues that can sometimes make this game almost unplayable? What is the air speed velocity of a swallow? I was so ready to drop the money for the full adventure path unlock, but like many others I'm proceeding down the free to play route instead. Please fix the game asap so I can throw some money at you. *smooches* Howlix
  2. I'm not sure if this is yet another quest mode bug, but when I tap the experienced characters button I get two copies each of the two freebie characters and none of none of them have the card list or skill feats I have acquired through story mode.
  3. I dont have any of the pay to unlock characters so my party size was 2 when I tried to do quest mode. Perhaps the issue is with one of the two free characters? I haven't tried again since I unlocked burnt offerings.
  4. Yes this is working as intended currently, but this is something we would like to revisit in the furture; The ability to have you edit your deck between scenarios until you beat Black Fang's. Dungeon It would be helpful if you could select from the basic card set every time you're rebuilding the deck. It would make this a non-issue as well as offer a little more deck customization.
  5. I encountered this when doing one of the increased difficulty scenarios. The wild card said when you have to discard 2 or more cards due to damage bury one. If you drag one card a pile of dirt should pop up at the bottom of the screen. If you drag it to that pile it will bury. There SHOULD have been a bury button when the card is selected but I've noticed more than once that this is not always the case.
  6. 24.99 in USD is 32.73 in AUD. Not sure what taxes apply in your country but that does seem a bit steep.
  7. Topic. I get a slowdown with regard to the dice when I have a character with low health. I get them to roll eventually but it's a pain. I've tried rebooting the iPad (mini 2) multiple times now. I got through it eventually but it took a while. If I can get the problem to repeat I will post here.
  8. I also can not start a quest. I have been trying since I unlocked the mode after poison pill. I'm not sure about gold payout. I honestly haven't been paying that much attention. I *think* I have gotten everything for defeating scenarios but I'll do some maths and get back to you.
  9. I am also encountering this bug. I'm playing on an iPad mini 2
  10. I have also encountered this bug. I'm using an iPad mini 2.
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