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Jedi Brute

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About Jedi Brute

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker

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    KOTOR I and II, other computer games, and Badminton. Yay!!!
  1. I think the Exile. You can go beyond the levels Revan can, and become twice as better at force powers/lightsaber duels. Revans Okay, but I like how the Exile was more your character, instead of a great hero. The Exile was just a normal knight/padawan, whereas Revan was a celebrity. Its hard to explain.
  2. HK-47 without a doubt. Its hilarious when you put the peace protocol in him. GO-TO is a fatter remote (And was actually based on the interrogation droid from ANH. Look on wookiepedia. T3 is good for making Spikes and bugger all else. HK FTW!!
  3. I never use GO-TO, or T3, just cos the droids are crap. At least HK looks good. Therefore, my vote goes to GO-TO :D Also, Disciple can be used as an alternative to Kreia, and thats never bad.
  4. Even with The RLG (Random Loot Generator), Cyan seems to be the rarest colour. Its annoyin, cos I would always use that if I could find it...
  5. He means Dxun. No, you find the fixture wherever you find a lightsaber in the game. Fastest ways are: Dxun: In a cannok Dantooine: Saving/Killing Jorran Nar Shaadaa: Helping/Killing Lootra Korriban: Lonna Vash's body??
  6. I think its just the healing droids. Its a bit too much of a coincedence for them to show Bao Durs Remote while they're talking about healing droids.
  7. I would have either an orange one, or a guardian blue one. Treen looks okay though.
  8. I would have either a zabrak, a Kel dor, or an Ikotchi, like Saesee Tiin.
  9. Jolee mainly talks about other Jedi or other people. He talks about his smuggling days, and then his wife. He won't tell me about her, but I'll see if he will.
  10. Jolee mainly talks about other Jedi, or other people. He talks about his smuggling days, and when he met his wife. I can't get any further along than that, he won't talk to me.
  11. If I do everything, about 24 hrs. If its on easy, I do it in 18 hours, all of it. Guess I need to take my time. It takes me ages to complete other games.
  12. Thats a good idea... Usually I have to get him behind the bar, fire until one of the sisters is dead, then attack the other with a lightsaber
  13. Yeah, but at the end of the day all of those Jedi who turned were defeated. Also, who always eventually wins in the films? The lightside. Who has the heroes that the majority of the people like? The Lightside. Sorry, everything good eventually points to them. We really need to get back on topic; Obviously the jedi are aware of other emotions, they warned Anakin of the dangers of passion. They also warn against Jealousy. One of the paths to the Dark side; Jealousy, Anger, Hate, suffering.
  14. Except the DS wouldn't wait for an entire fleet to spawn. They would just blow the hell outta the SF, and then win.
  15. I only have an xbox, so I can't really compare, only state. The only problems I have had with the xbox version are minor ones. Occasionally when in combat, the screen slows down, and everything moves all...laggy. That only happens once every two times I play the game.
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