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Posts posted by Dana

  1. Another big bug from my single playthrough that I didn't found posted here.

    So.. I simply entered Galwain's Maw to turn Larha's quest and right after loading into level my party entered combat stance. Some NPCs are also in an attack posture, however no one attacks me. I ran through all hallways but there is no enemy in reach nor stuck in walls or something.

    I found that it is not a single bug that happened only to me - http://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32573

    I almost did all quests possible in the game, also Galwain's with Sul and Oernos before the issue occurred (did it yesterday<?>). It is possible that I picked up the quest from Larha and resolved Sul-Oernos conflict without leaving Galwain's Maw, so it is probably my second visit here. I closed the game without saving it and copied outputlog here:


    After loading the save the issue didn't occurred again, however it probably may be useful for you:

  2. Hey all, I didn't found anything about errors in waterfall interaction in Whitestone Hollow, so.. first and the last options (examine the water <gui 1884 si_weal_water: 3> and leave <gui 1884 si_weald_water: 6>) are not displayed in polish version of the game :x


    Examine the water - should be - Przyjrzyj się wodzie
    Leave - should be Odejdź

    Screen below:

  3. Hey, I didn't found such topic, so I will write it here.


    During the kraken fight it often despawns abruptly and then emerges from under the water again if party is inaccessible for him. It is probably caused by party spawning too far from the boss and allowing it to stand behind the line of crystals.



    Also.. IMO that was the easiest boss fight on hard (or even from all combats that meant to be a little bit harder than usually) .. It took me 3 or 4 minutes almost without using some special abilities oO
    Fight with a few Eyless is even harder than fight with kraken :< I just set up my party far from it and killed all of the tentacles that spawned by me. The boss alone was killed after few hits..
    In comparison to fight with two dragons that took me almost two hours for few tries and changes in party that was a child play :x


    Composition of my party,values of attributes from Might to Resolve (without food), and basic dmg from weapon:
    Eder -19 18 15 14 10 16 - 19-28/17-25 shield (ACC 83/95)

    Mahena - 25 17 11 12 13 16 - 31-44 (76 ACC)

    custom Monk - 18 22 20 6 9 12 - 27-34x2 (ACC 82)
    custom Cipher (main) - 21 7 18 13 20 6 - 18-27 (ACC 99)
    Durance - 16 16 11 12 17 18 - 16-24 (ACC 85)
    Hiravias - 16 13 16 13 18 14 - 26-35 (ACC 77)


    All defenses - more than 100 after using cipher's Defensive Mindweb near Eder

    Position of my party:



  4. I'm not sure if it is the same issue but before entering Teir Evron, on a bridge in front of the shrine, a speaking bubble appears on Maneha's portrait. After talking to her she plays her old dialogue (starts with gui 1883; probably from after resolving her quest). It feels reasonable that she should have conversation related to that place but she does not have nothing new to say about the shrine.


    Another bug related to Maneha and the same moment - Maneha repeats her speaking-bark three times. The bark feels to be out of place (px2_companion_cv_maneha_quest_3:1).

    Autosave from Twin Elms:

  5. What if Azzurro didn't show at all after 150 hours of play? I started my recent playthrough (third approach, that I continue at last before something change dramatically and I will need to throw it away again :p) somewhere around first DLC, maybe after it was released. My Stronghold has 51 Prestige and 43 Defense and all upgrades built. Other prestigious visitors are a very rare thing (since the beginning) they maybe appeared 4-5 times starting from 20+ prestige. I always do every tasks that appear in Stronghold, never saw something from Azurro..

    Here is my save:

  6. "can't open the fight with those powers anyway" - I can only partially agree. With Stormcaller, my Cipher can cast any of those in first ~3-5 seconds of the fight (one up to two attacks). Utylizing Reaping Knives on barbarian companion or ranged DoC allows me to cast second spell in next ~seconds of fight. Then Ciper starts to generate tons of Focus every his or companion strike giving me +100 focus in next seconds of fight. I can't even imagine what will happen if I will add Time Parasite to that (I must try that combinaton).

    Ok, maybe that feels good for 15 levle character but I still didn't start content from the last act and have just started second DLC. I don't play on Hard to just mop the floors from mobs. I expect challenge! :x But there is no at all for now.

  7. Guys are you serious? Both two new Cipher's spells are just so OP^2...

    Reaping Knives can be cast on few allies.. but even without more companions that generate you mana, focus stat raises up like hell. Use it once and you will never lack focus again.

    Defensive Mindweb - seriously? You give that little guy avaibility to create tanks from your companions? Just set all your companions in tank's range (in my game Eder that has 100+ points in almost all defensive stat), shot once or twice to generate reqiured focus, use the ability and look what will happen :3 Ah! for.. oh, yes.. almost a minute with just 21 Intellect!

    Great, my Cipher does not even need to do anything else than just cast spells without delays on Hard...

    After downloading 3.0 patch I was like "OMG, what they've done with Focus cost!" and now, after reaching 15th level it's like "OMG, take this Focus from meee!..." :x



    I'm just afraid about that teal guy with sharp teeth in the depths ON...

    Here is the save and Screenshopt of a simple caster


    25177911712_27c75f01df_n.jpg111 by Gosia B, on Flickr

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