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Everything posted by Lord_Maikadal

  1. O RLY? YA RLY! And if not a life-sized Bastila doll, how about a three foot tall Malak nutcracker? That would be a good use for good ole' Darth MetalChin.
  2. Sion only needs moisturizer to look normal. A bit may flesh might help... But Malak? He needs a whole jaw. Pity. Then again, Sion beats up old ladies... ...while Malak chains young ladies to tables and 'breaks them'. Kinky much? Meh. They both lose.
  3. Don't worry, Nilly woulda probably lost anyway. At most, he was in five or six scenes... Wait, that sounded a lot more consoling in my head... Oh well, Bastila has my vote.
  4. I think that this is true...both regenerate...both have unknown ages...both have shexhay accents...hell, with a little moisturizer and a lot of love, they could be twins...but Sion is bald, and that is sorta creepy. The Dark Side can't have it all, I'm afraid.
  5. I dunno, I felt like I had to watch my back at all times with this lot... T3-M4 - Droids can be re-programmed... Kreia - Nope, can't trust her. Her poker face is too good. Oh,and there was that whole thing on Malachor at the end... Atton - Secretive, and downright untrustable (assuming that is a word). Bao-Dur - This is the kinda guy who keeps all of his anger and bad will towards men on the inside...but I have the funny feeling that one day, Mandalore or G0-T0 will piss him off and he will blow the whole ship to hell... Remote- freaky lil' bugger. Handmaiden/Disciple - not quite sure about Disciple but Handmaiden has had some real loyalty problems in the past- bad bloodline I suppose. Oh, and she went against Atris' word, and that was sorta dis-loyal. Mira - good lord, did she just call me a bounty? And poisoined me. And refused to give me grenades. And rejected me, but that is a totally different story. Hanharr - Even if he was loyal, I wouldn't like him. Stupid angsty furball. HK-47 - Once loyal to Revan, always loyal to Revan. Especially if Bao-Dur suddenly went postal and re-programmed him, then we could have some pain on our hands... Visas - Dies (but not dances) on command. Quite a nice lapdog, but if I can't look into her eyes, I cannot trust her. Oh, and she failed her previous master, so she gets a new one. What kind of loyalty is that? Mandalore - So many reasons- 1.)Fought against this guy in the Mandalorian Wars. 2.) Sells heroin on the side. 3.) I don't want him on my ship. Does he care? Noooooo. 4.) His armor is stuck to his body. Freaky. But in all seroiusness, Handmaiden went against her code and her ways to be with The Exile. Everything she ever knew, everything she ever was taught by Atris, all for a fallen Jedi. And why? Could it be love? Following in the footsteps of her parents, that one was.
  6. Do Rancors count, because they have my vote. If not, I also have to go with female Twi'leks and anything that can be found in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr.
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