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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Oh yeah, we're both evil. We only do stuff for money (well, in the dialogue that is, we'd do the side quests anyhow for the xp). We've tried to kill Neeshka and the dwarf and we were trying to be rude to the druid, but they still forced themselves upon us. Now, every time they end up in an argument, we're like, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!", but they never do. How can you tell what your skills are without multipliers and bonuses? I mean, the prerequisites say a number, naturally I check my skills page and see that they are way above that. Do I somehow have to recalculate them myself in a backwards fashion to get some seed number that only a true D&D geek would know? I don't get it. Another thing that irks me is that Neeshka's build seems to be exactly the same as my own (tiefling, rogue). That means, she's useless in combat, but when the combat is over she'll happily run off and pick the lock on whatever she gets her sights on. That means I'm mostly standing around in combat, trying not to get killed. When combat is over, it's a race between me and Neeshka for the role of feeling useful. She often wins. By the way, is there a good prestige class for an evil half-elf Warlock? Not that he needs it right now (as his character is useful) but it would be fun to have something to aim for for him too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's possible to tell Neeshka to never open doors or disarm traps (which is useful, so she doesn't do it during fights). I'm sure there's a place to find your base skill in something. I *know* you can see it at level up, since the numbers at skill allocation are just the base numbers. IIRC, if you haven't decided to not put points into a class skill, it's value is 3 + level, so if you're say level 4, you should have a base rating of 7.
  2. He gave you Valium? I thought that it was more of a sedative than an anasthetic. I wouldn't be surprised if you felt pain. As for the nerve damage, I was told straight up that there was a possibility that the nerve would be damaged, and that given how impacted my bottom teeth were, there was an increased (meaning still small, just not as small) chance of it being damaged. I actually did have extended numbness on the right half of my chin, and it lasted for about a month. It took about a year before it didn't have dulled sensation compared to the left side of my chin (everything from the lip down pretty much) and it felt "normal." I don't necessarily believe in suing surgeons based on misfortunes like that, as long as it's not due to gross negligence. It was wierd only feeling with the left half of my bottom lip for a while though. Putting a glass in my mouth was an odd sensation. Could only feel it on one side. Fortunately, it got better!
  3. The Rage128 is olllllllllllllllllllllllllllllld.
  4. Pfft, it all pales in comparison to the father that runs his paralyzed son in marathons and triathalons because his son made a comment that he didn't feel paralyzed when they were doing it.
  5. The original game still continued to sell after Counterstrike (and Day of Defeat) went retail.
  6. They did release Half-Life: Source, which did have some updated lighting and water effects. I guess they decided against redoing models and whatnot, as the original versions held sentimental value or something to that effect. This was in conjunction with the idea that they'd like to move forward with the company, rather than remake old games. As for the franchise only getting more popular, that may be true, but there sales of the original game are among the best all time for the PC.
  7. Actually I have not played Harpoon. That I do. Carriers also have a "Max Sorties" which is basically how many missions you can fly, so once that's out, the flight operations stop. There is an ammunition ship, but it doesn't really become effective until 1945, when the boats are able to reload at sea.
  8. There is a quicksave. But I'm long past the sinking of the Pennsylvania. I would have had to probably restore prior to the attack to save it though, or perhaps try sending it to the slightly closer Johnston Island, which has a much smaller port. I ran into a roadbump in Canton, China. Since it was my first offensive, I was getting excited. But it seems much of my success came because the Japanese were suffering from insane disruption after the attacks on me, so it made them easier to counterattack. With every attack I did, it made for more disruption on my part, so I wasn't able to capture the town by the end of the month. I do have more reinforcements incoming, and I have still done wonders on eliminating a lot of their guns. I'm currently fixing most of my shorter range mortars, and when I get most of them operational again, I'll give another push. And the invasion of Tarawan Atoll was a success! A surface fleet spearheaded by the BB North Carolina bombarded the crap out of it, and provided cover for the troop landings, while Dive Bombers from 4 carriers performed heavy attacks. I'm now moving in a pair of Naval Engineer Divisions, as well as a Base Division, to repair the infrastructre and start improving the airfield. It's possible to upgrade this airfield enough to launch B-17 fighters from it, which will go provide heavy air cover over the Marshall Islands. And north of the Marshall Islands, the Carrier TF consisting of CV Hornet and CV Wasp absolutely demolished a small convoy heading into the Marshall Islands. They've since retired to Wake Island for Fuel and Supplies, and will continue patrolling the convoy routes. A pair of aircraft carriers seems so much more effective than a couple of submarines
  9. I requested an IV to knock me out.
  10. I have never had a cavity either meta! This is inspite some rather suspect brushing habits as well. Go figure. As for my wisdom teeth, the top 2 were fine. Just pull them out. The bottom two were fully impacted, and required chisling into the jaw. The bottom right one had a Dry Socket which was excruciatingly painful. The doctor had to put a some film in it to cover it up to dull the pain (prevents that annoying substance known as air from touching the exposed nerve). The process was so painful I apparently passed out. I'd rather be kicked in the testicles than go through that again.
  11. Best expansion ever? Admittedly I haven't played it, but outside of the end boss (which wasn't really THAT bad), Opposing Forces is still my pick after half a decade.
  12. A small update about the war effort. The troops along the Indian-Burmese Border have cross over into Burma, and are converging on some town with a really hard to type name. Airstrikes were done at Mandalay to cripple the airfield there, and now the air campaign is focusing on the target. Also, the war at Canton has taken an unexpected turn. I tried making an offensive push, and was pushed back quite handily. Unfortunately for the Japanese, he figured it'd be an appropriate time for a counterattack. Japan did much worse in the counterattack than I did on the initial attack, with well over half of her artillery guns being put out of commission in the failed counterattack. As a result, I've been able to make continued attacks, and have begun wearing down their fortifications. It's August, and I expect Canton to be liberated by the Chinese (with some help from a few Indians and some British as well) probably by the end of the month, if not sooner. This should cut off Hong Kong, and make it relatively easy pickings.
  13. alanschu


    Wooo. Of course the one PPV game I don't watch is one we play well in!
  14. alanschu


    Jason Smith Hopefully HE gets out of his funk. His play has been mediocre this year. And I don't think it's just because he's not with Pronger, because he played solid without him last year (and in his time in Edmonton). Raffi!
  15. alanschu


    According to the unbiased news source edmontonoilers.com Fernando had a good chance to start the game off. I'm much, much happier with his play as of late.
  16. alanschu


    Hehehe. I'm playing War in the Pacific and checking on updates while turns process.
  17. Well clearly we wouldn't like them when they're angry on their birthday.
  18. I'm not sure what you're trying to say. You want them put on banners?
  19. Well, the Atlanta-Class, Anti-Aircraft Light Cruiser Juneau has just arrived in San Francisco, and will escort the Wasp to Pearl Harbour. I will split the carriers into 3 task forces, each consisting of two carriers, and a host of escorts. 1 Task Force is going hunting, while the other two prepare for the invasion of the Gilbert Islands. One task force will have the responsibility of performing air cover directly over the region, including a surface task force set to bombard the atoll. The other will provide a picket of coverage to prevent reinforcements from the west. The hunter Task Force will make its way towards New Guinea, where the Japanese Carrier fleet was most recently spotted. I just recently refitted my torpedo bombers from the craptacular TBD Devastators, to the TBM Avengers. The Avengers are significantly faster, much more maneuverable, and have a few extra machine guns on board as well. They also have an operating range of 200-300 miles, instead of 140 miles. Wildcats will be flying CAP and Escort (the Hellcat is coming soon, and then the ZOMG Corsair...the most maneuverable plane in the game, but the Wildcats will do for now). SBD Dauntless Dive Bombers will be licking their chops, ready to drop their 1000 lb bombs on any flat deck they come across. Lets get ready boys. It's hunting time!
  20. Overtime in basketball lasts 5 minutes though. Overtime in playoff hockey is 20 minutes.
  21. 3 or 4 OTs is not a common thing though. But the fact that they are 20 minute overtime periods has it go on quite a bit.
  22. Odd. For some reason I had figured you to be one of the many people on this board that had played the AD&D and 3rd Edition D&D games made by Black Isle and Bioware.
  23. Me too. I love the game right up until that point. I have never made it past the first mission or two with the Panzerkleins. It's just not as much fun, and seems quite out of place in the whole scheme of the game.
  24. alanschu


    It's just that Nedved hasn't done a whole lot since his last time here. If we get the Nedved that was a PPG player I'll be happy, but in Phoenix and Philly, he did nothing. He wasn't picked up until the being placed on waivers for a third.
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