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Hannibal_PJV's post in Rise of Goblins: Goblin Commando (ally) bugged was marked as the answer
Sounds like you use ally with character that does not have ranged skill.
Many characters only has dexterity when They use ranged weapons.
So dexterity skill + ranged ally = ranged + ranged (and because character does not have ranged, the skill is d4 even dexterity is d10)
But without more information about what character was trying to use that ally with ranged weapon, hard to be sure.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Valeros DLC purchased on Steam, not showing up on iOS. was marked as the answer
Hmmm. I Also have iOs and Steam and it is working, but the purhace did not register to Steam in the Beginning. I did restarts Steam several time Until the Valeros dlc did register in the Steam account. After that it did show owned in iOs.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Can Not Enter Campaign was marked as the answer
Can you start another company?
If you can try to play that and then start the companion you Are now using.
Also check out how Many experinced characters you have 24 is maximum. Keep it well below that...
If that does not help, try deleting the croup that is behaving badly and the remake the croup by using same characters.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Problems with Locked Characters in story mode was marked as the answer
Have you deleted the party save? If nothing else helps. Delete the party and make a new using experienced characters.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Items missing from chests was marked as the answer
Try to force close and restart the app. That is how I get those dice.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Banished a blessing was marked as the answer
The deck management is two parted. First you have to discard extra cards from all members. And fill any Empty slots with those.
After that if you Are still missing cards the arrow will bring the fill the caps screen where you can add any card types that you Are missing.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Game stuck on Quest Mode - Screen of rewards was marked as the answer
Quest mode is saved locally so you have to emtynthe save folder by your self if you want to start from the Beginning.
My personal experience with ques mode is.
Use only characters at the same level. Don't allow character to be death after scenario. Using that combination of rules I managed to get to level 40.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Bought Tools of Faith and Devotion and got NOTHING was marked as the answer
See this
Hannibal_PJV's post in Issue with Tools of Faith and Devotion was marked as the answer
See this
Hannibal_PJV's post in Tools of Faith and Devotion Purchased (no dice or cards included) was marked as the answer
Try to restart the app. I did see my dice after that.
The disappearance of other buying options is real question. Only one special offer / account?
Hannibal_PJV's post in Can't play online after iPhone 7/iOS version change was marked as the answer
Go to settings and start game Center from there. It was moved there during the os update.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Adventure Deck Number difficulty not working was marked as the answer
Large chest is difficulty 9/10 normally + the scenario Number. So in your case the level difficulty is automatically calculated to the card. I personally would prefer the original Number in the card and the real in the check box. But it is working as intended.
Hannibal_PJV's post in All Gold disappeared after patch 1.1.3 was marked as the answer
Try to restart and reloggin to the game Center and or google play app.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Blessing deck limited (possible issue) was marked as the answer
Yes, the 30 is the maximum you can have, so wait Until 6 rounds have gone untill using the candle.
The Magic candle rocovers cards From the blessings discard pile, and if there Are none cards in the discard pile, the candle recovers zero cards From the Empty discard pile.
Hannibal_PJV's post in How do I change my dice color? was marked as the answer
Here Are some hints
And here is better
Hannibal_PJV's post in Wand of Enervation issue was marked as the answer
Yes, this is an old problem with that wand.
And the original?
Hannibal_PJV's post in Question: Daily Gold rewards was marked as the answer
Not a kind, but ofcourse there is that 24h limit, that will cause limit. I am not sure if you can walk to anyone of will in this, but I really supose that not.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Blackcloth Armor not reducing damage was marked as the answer
Did you use the combat ability? If you did, it is not possible to use it again in the damage delivery phase.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Is possible to copy game data to an other devise (Quest data) ? was marked as the answer
Sync data to dropbox.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Starknife aquire skills vs use skills was marked as the answer
It is... The full explanation can be found From Paizo forums.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Lost everything with OS update was marked as the answer
Check out that your google play is active and has the right user. There has been instances where the google play account has changed for some reason and that causes the "loss" of purhachess because They were bound to,another play account.
Hannibal_PJV's post in Horsechopper adds proficiency penalty despite proficiency. was marked as the answer
Read the card very carefully.
It works as it supose to work!
Hannibal_PJV's post in 0 gold reward for completion, even on legendary was marked as the answer
Yes Sounds a lot like a problem with the Connection to game Center or play Center.