Ok, I went through the 74 portraits that came with the game and tallied up the number of portraits for each race as best I could.
Coastal Aumaua - male: 2, female: 1, unique: 2, total: 3
Island Aumaua - male: 1, female: 2, total: 3
Boreal Dwarf - male: 1, female: 2, total: 3
Mountain Dwarf - male: 1, female: 1, total: 3
Wood Elf - male: 5, female: 3, unique: 7, total: 8
Pale Elf - male: 3, female: 2, unique: 4, total: 5
Death Godlike - male: 2, female: 2, total: 4
Nature Godlike - male: 2, female: 4, unique: 4, total: 6
Fire Godlike - male: 2, female: 2, total: 4
Moon Godlike - male: 2, female: 2, total: 4
Human - male: 13, female: 9, total: 20
Meadow - male: 7, female: 2, unique: 1, total: 9
Savannah - male: 2, female: 2, unique: 1, total: 4
Ocean - male: 4, female: 4, total: 8
Orlan - male: 2, female: 3, total: 5
Uknown - male 3, female: 3, unique: 5, total: 6
Female island and coastal aumuau both have the same portrait with different colors
Male elves have three near identical portraits with different colors, one is a pale elf
Human meadow and savannah folk are very similar. I'm sort of just going with my gut here
The above also applies to boreal and mountain dwarves
Female nature godlikes share three portraits, one has a different hair style the other two are nearly identical
Uknown includes 2 males? in helmets, two females in helmets, one hooded male, and one hooded female
So, total there are 68? unique portraits if I did the math right, and 14 races or whatever, and 2 genders each. Thats an average of 2.5~ unique portraits for every gender/race combination. If you take into account the godlike's head models that leaves a chunk of them without any unique portraits whatsoever.
So based on the above, these are the race/gender combos that I think are in the most need of new portraits:
Portraits for the missing Godlike head models Boreal Dwarves Mountain Dwarves Male Island Aumua Female Coastal or Island Aumua Female Meadow/ Savannah Folk