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About lobothmainman

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  1. But are you planning to solve the problem, either with unity or by yourselves, or do you plan to ignore it? You produce a game on a platform (recent Macs) where it runs only severely tamed, without any warning about that (at least none that I could find, neither in the system requirements nor where you discuss resolutions in the official game wiki). This could be acceptable only if you are actively working on a fix (and hoping to achieve it in a reasonable time), not if you just say is Someone Else's Problem, or fault. At the very least, you should give to the ones who bought the game on the Mac app store a steam/gog code, so they could play the game on another platform, if possible.
  2. This is something that should be seriously considered. What graphics settings people use should be their own choice, and while Obsidian should feel free to offer advice ("Your system specification will likely result in a poor experience with this setting") they should not arbitrarily restrict resolution settings - not least since it then fails to account for future developments (i.e. what happens 10+ years later when Mac notebooks are available with GPUs powerful enough for Retina+ displays?). I think that the macbook pro 15" with discrete GPU already should handle the high-resolution without problems... And allowing all possibilities at user's risk seems a reasonable workaround, until the problem can be fully solved.
  3. I am not able to use the workaround: -- I can delete com.unity3d.UnityStandalone.plist typing "defaults delete com.unity3d.UnityStandalone" (with the plist extension is not working); -- cannot find anywhere the unity.Obsidian Entertainment.Pillars of Eternity.plist file After deleting only one plist, resolution is still locked to 1440x900 and 1200x800
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