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Everything posted by Bizkit

  1. FYI, You didn't include the Sharp weapon enchantment, Weapon Specializations (although you can include the percentage in the DMG X column in the Other section for both of those) or the Confident Aim ability. There may be more you're missing as well.
  2. Have you upgraded the dungeons yet? You need to upgrade the dungeons first before you can take prisoners.
  3. 1: The load times are terrible 2: The hireling page shows that I have all 8 slots filled; however, I only count 7 hirelings, both in the list and in the stronghold. Here's my save and output file: http://tinyurl.com/saveandoutput
  4. The dialogue of Aerthus, at the Madhmr Bridge, is shown twice.
  5. You don't need to pay to use Dropbox; you can sign up for free. First, go to dropbox.com and sign up. Then, within your account, go to the "Files" section and simply drag and drop the two files into Dropbox. (If you need to know how to access the files, go here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/72439-must-read-how-to-report-an-issue/ Once the files have been uploaded, create a new folder by clicking the "New Folder" button at the top of the page. After that, drag and drop both of the files into the folder. Next, click the folder's share button to the right and select "Send Link." Finally, copy and paste the link into your comment here on the forums. If you need more help, just ask.
  6. Ok, here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1sglwgtwqlsmcfk/AABQTt-RZahWDp7gidh4d3vGa?dl=0
  7. When I went to hire a new hireling that had arrived at the stronghold, I noticed that it had no stats, but I hired it anyway. However, when I closed out of the hireling window and then went back, the same hireling was listed twice (once with stats and once without).
  8. I thought this was a bug at first. Then someone explained it to me: when the character who tries to loot (generally the one closest to the items if you have multiple characters selected) has a full inventory, the game will automatically switch to the stash. Pay attention to this, and select a different character portrait when you are looting and the stash gets selected. To the devs: I think it would be nice to have an option (if there isn't already) to change this behavior to switch first to another character with inventory space. Edit: lol I was beat to it! Celliot, I'd still like to pass on the suggestion above. Thanks. Thanks for the tip, but the inventory was completely empty. I'm not sure how or why, but the problem automatically resolved itself; it's working just fine now.
  9. I don't know if Iaccidentally clicked on something or whatever, but, recently, every item I pick up goes directly to the stash. Is there any way to fix this?
  10. I've come across a couple of bugs so far while playing the game. 1: When I collected fruit, it automatically went into the stash like it's supposed to. However; when I went into the stash so as to move the fruit to the inventory, I first noticed that there was seven fruit in one stack instead of five. Then, when I went to move the fruit, I was unable to (it just went back into the stash). When I continuously clicked the fruit into the inventory, the fruit filled out all the empty slots in that person's Quick Items instead with 6 fruit each, while leaving behind some fruit in the inventory. I was; however, able to split the stack of fruit correctly by using right click. 2: In the bottom-right bedroom on the upper floor of Brighthollow, a magnifying glass appears on the bed when you click tab. However, when I clicked on the bed, no text appeared.
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