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About Sith_Apprentice

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Nar Shadaa, I found it to have alot of great dialog options.
  2. Hopefully they explain the mandalorien wars in it, if so I'll get a few.
  3. GOTO is just useless, especially his character specific devices. But, the guy I cant stand the most isn't on the survey. Anyone who would run out on a teenage girl and let her die to save his own skin is worthless, CARTH. They should have found a way to exile him on that junk planet light or dark side. I can't believe they brought him back for part 2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If your last save was DS you never see him or bastilla in 2, he's replaced by some other random general : /
  4. WTF u are talking about Revan went to fight against them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um yes that's true but the thing i told Atton that revan rallied the sith therfore Carth and bastilla never show up in the cutscene's and revan goes to rally the sith, my first play through of kotor 2 carth replaces one of the generals, and he sayes something to bastilla, thats if you tell atton revan saved the republic.
  5. Revan can be considered the most powerful sith lord, at the end of kotor 2 how Darth Traya talks of how revan left all the people he knew behind so that he could go to an unkown galaxy to gather the Real Sith for a battle, or something along those lines, that brings the obvious question of how did the new jedi order come to life if revan amasses the true sith : /
  6. Isn't it Darth Traya? Nyways Traya was more of a Sith Lord than Malak could or would have ever been, traya understands that the force isn't needed to live, malak on the other hand thought the opposite he thought force was the only thing needed to live e.g the jedi "batteries", that was his down-fall. I think Traya is only defined as a sith because she is not a Jedi, yet she wields the force, that is what she try's to teach the exile/you, that both sides are wrong, one wants to use the force to destroy and another wants to use it to protect, yet both belive it is a neccesity in life, that is why you where so special to her, you where living proof that the force doesn't need to flow through you in any extent for you to live. Traya as I said is more of a sith than malak because malak was a mere child in experince in anything, he fired apon Revan when Revan was pre-occupied, that is a very un-inspiring thing. She is neutral in my eye's but if we where too look at her as evryone else views her, she was most definatly a better sith than Malak.
  7. Well I just got out kotor 1 and 2 and decided to pass 1 then move straight on to 2, I without a doubt HATE peragus, I didn't really have trouble with kotor I got through the whole game in one sitting (ds) but paragus took me 2 days, I could barly open a door without wanting to switch the comp off, it is an evil vile world and I'm glad I blew it to hell. After that damn planet I was fine, I found all the other planets fine, even Mc5 didnt bother me as much as that blody planet.
  8. I really liked both, Kotor 1 was great, I played a light side character all the way until I discovered i was revan and that the Jedi council practically used me for thier own plans. Kotor 2 was great, I found the exil to be a more, screw you attitude put towards him with the whol, impaling the centre block during the "judgment". I found both to be as good as each other, except paragus worst.....level.........ever. Kotor 2's ending i found was a bit of a jip over-all because you went to al lthis trouble to find out your only half-way thier, when I saw the ship flying off I thought I still had a few levels to go, then the credits hwo up and I was like WTF, but cept for that I like both games.
  9. Hmmmm tough one, I act good to the characters I like but if some weak fool try's to mess with me I'll litrally make them jump off a tall building. I'd say darkside cause I always use thier powers and usually end up with that ending.
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