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Posts posted by Dyan

  1. "No absolutely not". - in concerns to adoption. Why? Because society isn't ready for it, that's why. Let gays marry/civl union/whatever-the-hell-you-want-to-call-it - but not adoption. At least, not yet. Maybe in the future when hopefully, everyone will be a tad more tolerant but not before then. Kids getting targeted because the couple who raised them are gay? I can see the headlines now. There would be some absolutely horrific attacks. It isn't worth it, imo.

  2. :mellow: ......... o:)


    A Bastila quote at the end game of K1, something along the lines of "Nobody really thought Malak could be saved, I'm surprised you tried."


    Isn't that a direct contradiction to all the things the Jedi have been telling me since the beginning of the game? Everybody can be saved, everybody deserves a chance, we don't kill, etc. etc.


    They were lying to me!  :o


    Think that was the point.. proving themselves to be hypocrites and proving Malak right... :devil:

  3. I want to be able to choose my master from the NPCs from K1&2 - and I want the option to begin play as DS or LS, as well as deciding their fates at the start of K3... ...and I want the option to cut down my master, true DS style, regardless of whether I am LS or DS. :)


    Edit: Meaning, I don't care where we start, but I chose option 3. It would make for some nice replayablity.

  4. Wtf are the cops investigating this? Don't they have anything better to do - like finding terrorists or something? Jerks. What a waste of taxpayer money :)


    The website is great btw :(:lol:

  5. I prefer my single silver lightsabre... right up until the point my character gets pissy and wants to go on a "cut everything down in a certain person's academy as quickly as possible" and at that point, pulls out a second silver lightsabre. :).


    The rest of the time, I just use one, or sometimes - none at all. Knocking people down with my character's hands seems... satisfying since its feels almost like contempt. "You're not worthy enough to warrent being destroyed by a lightsabre."

  6. Charisma is the most important for manipulation - those around you, your allies and enemies...


    ...And Wisdom is important for knowing when and how to manipulate them. :xo:)


    Were this a PnP game. Since it's not, and you don't get to manipulate *that* much, I'll go with the majority for wisdom.

  7. HK instead of Anakin in episode 1, 2, & 3. That would have made it worth watching. (Either that or HK instead of Jarjar. After he's slaughtered the entire cast). :)




    From the list of movies about, I think he'd have fitted into all of them nicely. But the one movie that'd really amuse me would be Titanic - HK taking the lead male role. Then again, knowing HK he'd have sunk the ship himself.. :p:-"

  8. Its selfish to make such a topic and post in it :huh:.


    In all seriousness, I suppose it depends on what "degree" of selfishness you are/do. After all, if Americans can have "first degree murder", then surely, you can have "first degree selfishism(?)" :-.


    I think its impossible to be entirely unselfish, but it seems like a nice ideal to strive for.

  9. edit: Dyan, this is good topic! :p


    Heh, thanks.


    All right - so what if Darth Revan (with his apprentice Bastilia) were in control of the star Forge, for argument's sake. If the Death Star gets Palpatine and Grand Admiral Nial Declann I think its only fair that the Star Forge gets Bast & Revan.


    Of course, this isn't a Bast&Revan are better then Palps&Nial. :)

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