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Everything posted by Draxxia

  1. I tried accessing the console but couldn't get that to work. In retrospect that is perhaps as well because doing so apparently 'flags' your game and disables all achievement reporting from that point onwards. As for the quest, well, that is still messed up but I eventually resolved it (somewhat unsatisfactorily) by slaughtering the entire Bardatto household and releasing the imprisoned Valera. I then returned to the Valera household to claim my reward but they still insisted that I go back to the Bardattos and clear up any 'loose ends'. Even though all the Bardattos were already dead I had to enter their house again and travel back to the Valeras at which point the quest, finally, gets marked as complete. It seems pretty clear that the quest is designed to be done in a very specific sequence and straying from the prescribed path definitely throws it out of whack...……….and inadvertently doing that is all too easy.
  2. Just a quick update on this issue. The 'Burden of Memory' curse does clear after time. I just rested up in the Wild Mare inn......................it only took 21 rests /sigh. What nonesense. Brilliant way to really alienate players with a silly mechanic that adds precisely nothing. Not fun, not clever. WTG Obsidian!
  3. I too am playing a Paladin and now have both curses. The first one (Beraths) takes one point off all attributes and the second (Burden of Memory) takes another two points off both Might and Resolve. If I understand it correctly these penalties arise from decisions I made in the first POE game. The cumulative effect of both curses running concurrently is not only extremely harsh but it seems as though the developers are deliberately taking the opportunity to punish players who bought & played the first game. That is just downright perverse. Yes, I accept these are role playing games but the penalties being applied suggest the developers are making examples of players who (in their opinion) made the 'wrong' decisions previously. Right now I don't much feel like progressing any further with my play through.
  4. Thanks for the replies . Ok, well I am now trying to get the curse scrubbed off by killing stuff which, in itself, isn't an issue but persuading some of my party members to let me strike the final blow is proving troublesome. The pause button and I are now becoming good friends! Thanks again.
  5. Hi House2fly, Thanks for the response. Aside from the first voyage to Neketaka I haven't done any sailing yet..............looks like I need to find my sea legs! I have already cleared the Old City (aside from one boss mob who I will return to after a couple more level ups). I peeked into Hanging Sepulcher and immediately got abmushed by a large group of skeletons (which I just managed to beat with no casualties) but I figured that I may need another level or two before tackling the rest of the zone. Thanks for your advice.
  6. Thanks for the response, much appreciated . I will give it a shot later on today and report back. Good of you to take the time to reply.
  7. I am on my first play through and I too just picked up this curse. To be honest it was a while before I realised that my attributes had been quite so harshly hit and then I recall Berath having whispered something to me a couple of hours earlier. Knocking a point off all 6 primary attributes is OTT. I was completely unaware that helping a few ghosts on the starter island was going to have such a damaging impact and, worse still, that trying to remove it will take me ages. Yes, I tend to play this type of game quite slowly but I am now 30 hours in and my counter is only reading 3/75 /sigh. My earlier saves have long since been overwritten so that route isn't an option. I am currently working my way through the quests & locations on Neketaka Island (L8 Paladin) and would welcome some suggestions as to the best/quickest way to get my counter up to 75 please. Thanks i advance.
  8. I realise that I am a bit late to the party having only just started the game (slacker I know!) but this quest line is still bugged. Ezzeli has agreed to meet but when I speak to Atello & Son my only options are to agree to rescue the cousin from the vault or to refuse at which point they become hostile. Agreeing to the rescue means that the entire Bardatto household is hostile as soon as I enter their house. I might be able to stealth my way to the vault (haven't tried yet) and rescue the cousin but I assume this will mean that I have chosen to side with Ezzeli rather than achieving a peaceful resolution with both families? Advice gratefully received. Thanks.
  9. Hello again, After some experimentation I have found a simple work-around that addresses both issues. Whilst simply removing and re-equipping my weapon & shield has no effect, swapping them both over into weapons slot 2 and activating them restores the missing Deflection and makes Knock Down usable again. Next time the issue arises just switch them back to weapons slot 1. Rinse and repeat as required. It is almost as if my character 'forgets' that she has a weapon & shield after being charmed or dominated or w/e. I hope this might help anyone else who encounters the same problem.
  10. Hello, I was wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue? After my fighter has been charmed during a fight I invariably find that her 'Knock Down' ability remains greyed out after the encounter has concluded. The small No.2 shows on the icon but the ability cannot be used again. Reloading an earlier save seems to be the only solution. I also find after being charmed my deflection score drops by 20 (which comes from an equipped shield called Ilfan Bryngars Solace). Un-equipping & re-equipping the shield doesn't restore the missing stat. Again, the only solution seems to be reloading an old save. These issues seem to arise whenever my character has been charmed or had similar 'mind control' effects placed on her but seems to be unrelated to the type of mob that has cast the effect. Thanks for any help or advice.
  11. Thank you for the speedy responses Fortunately I have a saved game prior to slaughtering the Crucible Knights (I only tried this as an experimental tactic to see if it might rescue my rep with The Dozens). Even though my preferred choice is with The Dozens it is starting to look as though I might have to cozy up to the Crucible Knights in order to proceed. Incidentally, this is my first play through and so I unwittingly ended up in this tangle rather than as a result deliberate, considered choices. I simply hadn't realised it would be possible to get yourself locked in like this! Thanks again for taking the time to post. I will report back later.
  12. I have just returned the Breastplate to Osric and he has suggested that I speak to Wenan. When I tell Wenan that "I am looking for work" he tells me "Afraid I don't have any for a lackey of the Crucible Knights". My reputation with The Dozen and Crucible Knights is the same, Ally (Faintly Good). I have tried reducing my reputation with the Crucible Knights (by slaughtering them all) but Wenan still refers to me as their lackey even though my Crucible Knights rep is now rock bottom. I have completed the (Crucible Knights) Built to Last quest and the first step of Winds of Steel is in my journal but I haven't yet travelled to Anslogs Compass. Unfortunately I no longer have a save game prior to Built to Last. Am I completely screwed? Is there any way I can persuade Wenan to give me The Bronze Beneath The Lake quest? Thanks for any help & advice.
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