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Hyman Hardy

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Everything posted by Hyman Hardy

  1. It's ironic I just start to play Deadfire and in the next minute there's no way to continue by reason of this bug, such a let down.
  2. It happens to me as well. Now the volume of background music is tied to Effect Volume instead of Music Volume.
  3. That's why Eder can't wear his baby now. And not just this piece of wonder has potential to screw up our companions. I have Maneha wearing Elryn's Jacket and Glittering Glove, in battle Grieving Mother use Amplified Wave on her, then guess what, Mother got Eyestrike & Dazed at the same time. So I guess Amplified Thrust will trigger them too. This shouldn't have happened at all. Another equipment Comtessa's Gage, it says immune to paralyze, in fact not working. It seems lots of good stuff still function poorly.
  4. (Secret) Nearby Greysleeper there's one could be found.
  5. Same problem here just happened, all of my grimoires and hours of play are gone for nothing. What a surprise, sigh~
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