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Brooklyn Dark Lord

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Everything posted by Brooklyn Dark Lord

  1. Lady Crimson... Any plans on updating your screenshot gallery? I visit the site quite often. Also, I tried uploading wallpaper of Revan and Kreia that I created (a-la-photshop) but can't because of this darn fire-wall here at work. Any suggestion on getting this posted on the gallery site? Sorry for going off topic here folks. As you were...
  2. Greetings folks...had a question and ask that you forgive me if this has already been addressed but in the game when the Exile returns to Telos (after Kreia kills the remaining masters on Dantooine), he/she asks Atris "Where is Kreia?". Atris responds something along the lines of "Kreia?...that is not her name" If that was not her name, was Atris trying to say Kreia's real name is/was Darth Traya or did she go by another name before she was exiled herself? I'm not even going to go down the "Oh Master Kae is really Kreia" road since no one can seem to agree or not on that idea. What do you think? Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question, but I havent read anything that clarifies this.
  3. I read somewhere on these boards that the force bond between The Exile and Kreia no longer existed once Kreia fell completely to the dark side toward the end when she left Telos for Malachor V. I don't remember the reasoning behind it exactly, but it did make a lot of sense to me. I do agree though, that the game might have made more sense if the Droid Planet / HK Factory was left in. Only in an alternate universe would we know the truth. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OMG...I just remembered that the content that was cut from the game (origianlly, Master Vash was not killed) Vash explained to the exile that a force bond can be severed if either master or apprentice falls to the dark side. Not sure if it is vice-versa though. Apparently, in the original script, Vash had more knowledge than any of the other jedi masters (perhaps combined).
  4. I read somewhere on these boards that the force bond between The Exile and Kreia no longer existed once Kreia fell completely to the dark side toward the end when she left Telos for Malachor V. I don't remember the reasoning behind it exactly, but it did make a lot of sense to me. I do agree though, that the game might have made more sense if the Droid Planet / HK Factory was left in. Only in an alternate universe would we know the truth.
  5. Ok...going to add my existing 2 cents to the ever-growing pile of what I want to see in KOTOR III...IF it ever see's the light of day that is. RETURNING CHARACTERS : Bastila Jolee Kreia (I know she is dead, however, I think perhaps as a force ghost and a guide. Additionally, I know that a lot of people are Kreia-haters, but after all, her character was immense IMO and if I am not mistaken, didn't her character win the "Best Villian" in this years (or last years) video game awards?) Atris (ditto on the force ghost) The Exile (cameo, like Carth and Bastilla in K2) Carth HK-47 Juhani T3-M4 Mandalore (even though he is one of my least favorites, I think he would be critical for the storyline, which I will explain why soon) NEW CHARACTERS : Wookie (perhaps a jedi one at that...i know there was one in the EU) Human Jedi (perhaps the great, great, great.......grandfather of Luke and Leia or Qui-Gon, etc) Ithorian (melee, ranged or jedi) Another character like Mission and Mira combined PLANETS : Telos Onderon (w/o Dxun) Dantooine Geonosis Correscant (spell check) Hoth Tattoine Nar Shaddaa Yavin IV Cathar FEATS : Same as KOTOR II but some newer ones would be nice, like comb-style moves or something. FORCE POWERS : Also same as KOTOR II but some new ones like Force Flood (don't laugh...i'm making these up as I go along), or the force power that Kreia had where you use the force to wield more than 2 light sabers, etc MISC. STUFF : Blue, Green, Yellow, Silver, Red, Purple, Green and lite Gold colored Crystals and any other color except Orange & Bronze - I just cant stomach those colors on a light-saber) Lenses Emitters Single hilt Double hilt All the usual suspects ARMOR : Prequel trilogy-style robes (wearing with or without hood option) Malak's Armor Kreia's Robe Ossus Keeper Robe Star Forge Robe Master Vrook's Robe Master Kavar's Robe The other Jedi Master's robe from KOTOR II - cant remember his name now As far as the storyline goes, I would like to see the PC start off with a lightsaber. I hated the facted that in KOTOR I and II, they started you off with either girly guns (no offense to my sisters out there) or some crappy plasma torch or some bollocky mining laser...I mean, REALLY, come on now. If I am any enemy character or even member of the Sith, I can't take you seriously if you're a jedi and you're waving one of those things around in my face....OOOO I am sooooo scared!!! I think the premise of the game should be where the PC goes in search of Revan in the Outer Rim at some point in the game. I don't know if any of the planets mentioned above are near or far from the Outer Rim, but I would like to see them nonetheless. KOTOR II pretty much left us with the fact that the exile went to search for Revan but stops dead right there. I mentioned how Mandalore is my least favorite, but I feel he should have, if anything, a partial part. In KOTOR I, Canderous rambles on to Revan about his war stories and how he and the Mandelorians encountered an entity that they werent sure who they were (I don't remember all the details) which I think might have something to do with where Reven went and what she (now that it is officially cannonized) in search of. During the game, Kreia will return as a force ghost and provide advice to the PC on using the force, jedi/sith philosophies, etc. but with less of a part than she had in KOTOR 2 The PC at some point finds Revan and what he went to go fight against at whatever planet beyond the Outer Rim and the either joins Revan in his cruisade or goes DS and tries to kill Revan. I know that this plot for KOTOR III has a zillion holes and inconsistancies and there are a lot of you out there that are scratching their heads, aying, "Well, that can't be because this or that"...BRING IT ON KIDS!!!! Remember, this is just a rough sketch of what I would like to see in the next KOTOR. There are more things I would like to see that are minor, but I am getting to lazy and running out of brain cells to entertain them. So there you have it. Feast on the scraps my friends and tell me what ya think.
  6. Thanks CodyDevore!! I usually equip him (seeing that I never have a choice to pic someone else) with the Argok ? (the oversized axe) in both hands. Does some pretty major damage.
  7. RATS!! I can understand why Visas when you say she tags along to protect my exile from Nihlus, but honestly, I'm not a huge Mandalore fan. I think it would have been neat to have a little leeway as far as getting to pick and choose which alternate character to go with you. Thanks for the response!! Much appreciated.
  8. Hi All: Quick question (and please forgive if this is in the wrong area for posting): On Telos, when you are about to board the Ravenger with Mandalor and Visas...is there no way to select and take other characters (i.e. Bao Dur or Handmaiden) with you instead of always being stuck with Mandalor and Visas? I have KOTOR II for X-Box in case that makes a difference. Sorry if this has been addressed before. Thanks.... Amon!
  9. Nevermind kids...COMPLETELY overlooked Darth Jarize's posting. Will try his suggestion. Thanks!!
  10. Have a question guys...I've played this game like most people a zillion times. This particular game (playing LS Male), I visited the planets in a different order (other than suggested in the strategy guide). After Telos, dealing with Atris and having the Handmaiden join my party, I headed straight for Dxun instead of Nar Shaddar, and had Visas join my party afterward. From that point on, the Handmaiden got all hissy with me because she did not approve of my taking her on board. Everytime I try to talk to her, she always says that there is nothing more she has to say to me. I tried everything (I think) to get influence to get her to speak to me so this way we can spar and I can eventually turn her into a jedi, however, I am unsuccessful in getting anything out of that frigid b**ch. Any advise would be appreciated
  11. OH MY F**** GOD!!! Are you kidding me? The first one with the empty sockets is pretty skeevy looking and the second is just as bad. I thought (like someone else on the board mentioned) she would at least have white eyes or eyes like Kreia.
  12. You rock B-Wookie. Many many thanks. I guess by lack of responses, there are not that many out there. Thanks again.
  13. Hey all... Was wondering if there was anyone here who knows of a site or has any wallpaper sized screenshots or pics of Kreia. Any reponses would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Hmmm....will definitely have to try that on the next new game I start.
  15. I played this particular part last night. I had about 29 for strength and lightsaber with 49 damage points. After defeating Kreia for the first time and she reveals the future, followed by sicking her three lightsabers on me, I ran off to one of the side entrances where Kreia remained stationary and the three sabers followed me. Believe me, it took the heat off so to speak and made it easier for me to whoop their butts.
  16. Someone had an idea to bring Kreia back but as a force ghost (like Ep V and VI).
  17. It was a very short portion (for lack of a better word). It was the part of the song where its low strings and that creepy piano tune part. I could be wrong...after all, I had a good buzz going last night, but I'm pretty sure of what I heard.
  18. My absolute favorite is... Kreia: How could you ever hope to know the threat you face, when you have never walked in the dark places of the galaxy - faced war and death on such a scale. If you had traveled far enough, rather than waiting for the echo to reach you, perhaps you would have seen it for what it was. There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, drowns them in the power of the dark side - it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death. Revan knew of such places...and the power in making them. They can be used to break the will of others...of Jedi, promising them power, and turing them to the darkside. Did you ever wonder how Revan corrupted so many of the Jedi, so much of the Republic, so quickly? The Mandalorian Wars were a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion. Culminating a final atrocity that no Jedi could walk from...save one. And that is what I sought to understand. How one could turn away from such power, give up the Force, and still live. But I understand what happened now. It is because you were afraid."
  19. Okay kiddies...this is my very first post so go easy and let me know if this should have gone under a different section :D If anyone caught "The Apprentice" last night, "the Don" had given the two teams the task of promoting Episode III and Battlefront II. During the episode, I could have sworn during a particular segment, they had played a KOTOR II music track in the background (if I'm not mistaken, it was "the sith lords" track (Mark Griskey). Did anyone else happen to catch that?
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