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Everything posted by Justinian_A

  1. I hate G0T0, useless fat one. I hate Mira, too...she just irritates me. Bao Dur...while useful...annoys me. I just haul him out to head to a workbench. Atton as a DS Jedi, Kreia, Handmaiden as a DS Jedi, and HK for humor...that's what I like.
  2. Yep, yep. God, I loved that game.
  3. After you spar with her on the Ebon Hawk, talk to her and tell her to put some clothes on (after you put yours back on first, though..) She'll then put her robes on.
  4. So, I have a question...I've heard that if you beat the game as LS, then as DS, you get additional dialog options. Well, I did the reverse...I beat the game as DS, then LS...and there's no change in the dialog. If I complete it as DS now, will I get the options, since it will be LS then DS? Also, is it just for the PC version, or the Xbox one as well? I'm playing the Xbox one.
  5. That brings up some fond old memories...I loved rampaging the wastelands as a "rat bastard". Especially tossing a grenade into the pack of kids in that underground lair under the ghost farm. Bounty hunters chasing you for the rest of the game...
  6. Personally, I loved Kotor 2. I enjoyed Kotor I, but it had no replay value to me. Your decisions, dark side or light side, didn't really have much impact on the game (except for the end.) I've replayed Kotor II a few times now, and I still enjoy it. I really liked the story much, much better as opposed to Kotor 1...Kotor 1's story was far too simplistic...cardboard cutouts of good versus evil. None of your sidekicks had much in the way of personality or motivation, either. In Kotor 2, it's much darker (which I love..) things are far more morally ambiguous, and your henchmen have their own hidden agendas. The dialog options are MUCH better, and the story twists as a whole are also superior. Plus, I liked being the Exile more than Revan...in Kotor 1, I just felt like the Jedi Council's lapdog. As the Exile, I could make my own choices and defend (or rebuke) the choices of my past. It's just a far better role-playing experience. Kotor 2 reminded me very much of two of my favorite RPGs of all time, Fallout I and II. The same dark, haunting atmosphere with moral ambiguity and the appropriate creepy music and claustrophobic feel. The only real downside of Kotor II is the fact that it's obviously an unfinished piece of work...however, that just gives me more hope that Kotor III would be absolutely fantastic if developed by Obsidian. They obviously can write a damn good RPG story...now they should also know the amount of time they'll need to perfectly polish an ambitious project for the future. Kotor II was an interrupted masterpiece of gaming, I hope they get to do themselves justice with Kotor III.
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