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Everything posted by O'neill

  1. Is there the option to follow either the crippled Republic or Sith, such as fighting for them?
  2. Most likely yes, but it got me thinking about it.
  3. Maybe the masked guy sith is what the player becomes if you go to the DS with the prestige class Sith Lord. Just a thought...
  4. 1. The first thing I was shown was a new planet called Onderon, which is ruled by a queen who is allied with the Republic. There's a bit of an upheaval going on right now, though, as half of the population feels that the Republic has done nothing for them but send their best and brightest off to die in an intergalactic war. The other half of the people believes that the queen is doing what is best for her people, and that her people should stand by her side. The producer told me that you'll be able to pick a side and fight for them, play both sides against each other, or simply remain neutral. It's not really known if there are any advantages to any of these options, but that's part of what made the first game so great. You can choose to do whatever you want, and that's obviously the case here, as well. (gamespy.com) Closest thing I could find on going against the Republic that is out there. 2. Posted in your other topic. 3. Looking good for a 12/07/2004 (Walmart.com) release date but it could still easily be 2005 4. Not much yet
  5. As the original KotOR featured the three ordinary classes to begin with and three Jedi Classes to choose from later, The Sith Lords now includes six "prestige classes" that allow your character to further develop after he or she reaches a high enough level (level 20 in the Star Wars D20 system that this game is based on). For Light Side players, the prestige classes include: Jedi Master: (Consular-type) Regenerates force power more quickly, and can inspire companions and followers. Jedi Watchman: (Sentinel-type) Generally super abilities with the force and control over the lightsaber. Jedi Weapon Master: (Guardian-type) Lightsaber deflection and pain threshold increased, and does more saber damage. Dark Side Prestige Classes include: Sith Assassin: Mastery of stealth and camouflage. Sith Lord: Mastery of corrupting the wills of others. Sith Marauder: Mastery of weapons and increased pain threshold. It is unknown what type of trial the Jedi will have to go through in order to achieve this ranking, but likely (-wishful thinking on my part) an involving quest. (gamebanshee.com) Hope this helps
  6. The developers have already stated that they are sticking to the original KOTOR way of having your character have no voice.
  7. Why should I be forced to "help save the Republic". What if I want to join the Sith? Even if you do it covertly I still think you should get the chance in the game to join the Sith like having some guy walk up to you or ecountering a Sith. Just a little annoyance I had from the first game.
  8. I prefer the computer version to KOTOR because I have a system able the smoothly run it, I like being able to click everything and its much more "versatile" than the XBOX version. Besides it would not make sense to release extras on the the computer version only because it would steal from the XBOX market.
  9. Well for that point I think they should bring you to the point wether bluntly you choose dark side or light side earlier in the game so you can actually do something with that decision.
  10. I liked what the Dark Jedi wore in the first game and when I first looted it of them it looked nothing like it. I would like to actually have the outfit I see on the NPC.
  11. I would love the ability to actually join a faction. Like the Republic or Sith. In the original I was just waiting for oppurtunity. On Manaan, I was thinking either or with the embassies and on Korriban you make to the end and the Master says "this is not your place..." If you could I would love the ability to rise up in rank and stuff like that. Actually doing something for the faction I think it would be cool to take place in much larger scale battles rather than little skirmished withs animals or other Jedi. I'm talking like major engagements like the Civil War battle Gettysburg. I'm thrilled that Obsidian is actually putting in Light/Dark side classes. I think thats a great improvement. I am pretty confident Obsidian should be able to pull of a great sequel.
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