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Everything posted by Cream

  1. 31 hrs and 40 minutes NOOB!! what now?!
  2. Thats freaking hilirous
  3. Ok, So I'm fighting Kreia I got my nerve belt immunity and force mask on, and I got my stims and I am still losing..what should I do, Lvl 26 Jedi Master, Jedi Sentitenal...
  4. Oops I just fought and Slaughtered Vrook and Master Ell..did I do something wrong..
  5. Ok, I'll try that anything else?
  6. Ok, So I'm on malachor V after 30 hrs of gaming xD and I'm at the Great Storm Beast I am a Jedi Master and I keep using Beast Trick to make it like unconisious but I can't get a hit off without it hitting like 170's on me...Please help...
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