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Posts posted by lyin321

  1.  Imo the most important thing is whether you have a custom party or you just have all the companions till then...

    ....and second important is what your class is:)

     As people have already said the phantoms/shades (and shadows....not sure if the shades summon these or they are already there) have the nice little bonus of stunning you (-deflection so tanking them will be hard) and some luck for them to not teleport and kill your squishies....I suppose if you are on Trial of Iron you are....err...safer with more levels? :)

    (Tho good luck with the more xp....I don't know where you can get more xp before the Keep:) )


    Edit: And if you have not done so already learn your crafting and don't be afraid to use potions/scrolls (get lore for scrolls).


    I haven't tried at all, though anybody knows what would a more-or-less mix-maxed wizard with high Perception,Intellect, Resolve would do ?

    The idea is to max out the bonus deflection and duration of self buffs, leaving constitution, might and dexterity behind. Spells would obviously be about self buffs, summoned weapons and close range burst and aoe's.


    How would that work, considering the extreme feebleness of the wizards upfront ?


    It pretty much wouldn't work. Dropping might and dex means your damage would be terrible so what's the point in buffing yourself for close range burst exactly?


    You'd be a ~somewhat less likely to be hit wizard with terrible damage output and slow spell casts.


    ...not exactly right as the might (unless you go all out and have 21) is not all that much bonus (3 per 1 point I think)...now there is also +healing which might be important for your leech spells...

    ...oh and my original point was you could make some of the +dmg that you lose with low might with items...

     As for the low dex (unless it's really low) just use light/medium armor and not plate and you will be fine....I don't expect you to hit as often or as hard as strong melee chars (fighter etc), but I suspect neither than you:)

     Tho such a wizard will be more of a wizard than an eldritch knight....

  3.  Do you mean it is level 9 where some of your spells become per encounter? If so that sux! - so late:((


    ...btw don't forget that the wizard also have other spells to leech endurance (beyond the staff). It probably is impossible to make a wizard that can tank on hard (normal too maybe...?) difficulty, but someone that doesn't die if a mob look in their direction? Absolutely.

     I think the new patch made the arcane veil per encounter (tho that might be mod I have installed:) ) which will give you good deflection..


    ...but I am not sure about the lack of resolve&perception - maybe have 10-12 int instead? Or somewhat low Might and average int?


    Edit: My mistake...arcane veil is per rest...time to redownload the mod:)

  4.  Mana system - they already have it with the cipher:)

     Although not a terrible idea, I like their one to gradually turn their spells from ''per rest'' to ''per encounter''.

    ...but not so much their rule that spells need acc!


     Btw ''Spell levels per encounter = Character level minus 1'' leaves me with fewer spells than current one...and seeing how unreliable they are I am not too big on that:)

  5.  It will be nice (and an instant restart from me) if someone modded Calisca not to die and have dialogue like normal companion for the rest of the game. And one more party member for those of us that don't want to use the inn's fake party members!

     But maybe she is someone that modders can't touch and they will have to introduce new companions...


    PS: who is Heodan ? :)

  6. I have yet to get to the point where having a stronghold is even an option - so the question is do I need one?  Having read through the thread it seems to be a superfluous feature.  Do i gain anything by having it other than tax income and a place to rest safely?

     Ofcourse you do...you get to pay money from your own pockets so it's all good!


    ...oh and some RP options, but who cares about RP in such a game:)

  7. I'm not too far into the game-about 15 hrs or so (not had anytime to play this week), but I don't understand why everyone is saying the Stronghold is immersion breaking and not needed.


    To me, the more the merrier. I have completed about 3-4 upgrades and I think it's a neat little "side-quest" that plays out differently than everything else in the game. Plus, you eventually get bounties from the upgrades.


    I just don't really understand why the Stronghold is disliked so much. It also has a huge dungeon underneath it! And a talking stone throne. I love it personally.


     No one (or few) is (are) saying that it is bad part of the game. It's just that it easily could have been so much better....

    As it is it's almost like an empty Stronghold from BG2 (if you have played it).

  8.  Yea flogging them....

    ....but Imo it was missed opportunity for new (and interesting) companions. The only one I imprisoned was some wizard that worked for the bad guy's organizations (can't remember the name) and...the poor girl sits forgotten in the jail since I neither think she deserve further punishment nor to be set free (at best she will be killed...). But oh well....the game just came out...

  9. I don't understand it at all.  I built it, and was all excited.  I NEVER had the opportunity to take anyone prisoner... Why not?  How do you do it?


    Also, what is the point in doing it?  Do you get some sort of benefit from it?  More dialogue options?


     I too wish to know the answers to the above questions.


     But to partially answer about how you take prisoners: you have to convince them to not fight youu (at least the one I had I get this way...). I don't know if it is possible to imprison someone after you start a battle....

  10. With her marble muscles.


    :)...as good an explanation as any.


     I guess it's assumed that you or one of your companions go to town to barter for the initial work force, but it would have been nice to actually do/see that we did that or something. After the start it would be easy to command some guards to go talk to merchants for materials or something. The Stronghold as it is is kind of letdown, but that's what the modders are for!:)

    ...oh and I wish we hired companies/at least few guards at a time and not just one. But seeing what we are paying them it might be no one wants to come work for us?

  11.  I actually /cheered when it became apparent that there is no full VO - now we can hopefully get alot of Companions from modders without them having to worry about VA and such.

     Not that the existing companions are not great...ok that was a little lie:)....but they are so few and thus so far apart! I am always having problems at the start of the game, because my party is either very small or non existant (if my char is particularly picky) , as I refuse to get the 'pets' you can build yourself in the inns.

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  12. Besides, my current solution is I just MUTE it whenever the dialog is talking out of sync with me reading the text.  Which kind of defeats the purpose of having the dialog in the first place.


     It is like in BG2 (maybe a little more) - they are partially voiced not fully voiced like some other games so that is good solution IMO.

    And you might end feeling different of certain characters than the folks who listen to voices, which will be interesting:)


    And how will they know what the appropriate pause is? I, for example, have learned to read the ''action bits'' very fast (so I often have to re-read to not miss something important) so I am not listening and reading two different things.


     Maybe the solution is to get away entirely from VA and I am pretty much ok with that if so they choose. Not only that fix the problem with the current writing style, it also allow modders to create silent NPCs without having to worry about voices. But that is a pretty risky solution I guess and....probably not going to happen:)

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  13. I heard they will add party AI in an expansion, not sure if 100% true though.


     That will be great...or maybe someone can mod it in if you are thinking about the way you can set different party members to do different things (warriors to attack on sight/thiefs to detect traps at all times etc...).

     As for basic AI...it is already here. If your companions/party members are engaged by the enemy/you manually tell them to attack they will go and search (and auto attack) other enemies once the initial one is dead. It is very basic one mind you. They will just use the auto attack and no abilities (which can be good).

     I actually have the opposite problem - I want to turn off the AI. Because currently it is set that once an enemy engage your party member they turn and start fighting this enemy....and that can be deadly in the harder encounters. The game have killed me a few times because the tank don't want to take the free hit by passing an enemy and engaging the boss, but start a fight with the wrong mob and the boss (ofcourse) go and kill the rest of the poor party at leisure:)

  14.  Imo it's a fair point that they should allow some way to exit a map if you had not acted totally stupid (sending a pet beforehand or maybe casting a magic...if you send your mighty level one barberian against a dragon then you deserve to die:) ) with some repercussions. Maybe it locks the map for a time or maybe it automatically heal whatever was in that area so that people don't just go in hit a few time - go out heal and repeat.

     And the NPC that you meet (at the end of the map mind you....far away and after the cave) was honestly....not very good hint that I really shouldn't fight the bear. At least not for every character. Some more cowardly or wise or maybe experienced might choose not to, but other will be willing to try their luck. And why not? Upon meeting the ''hunter'' (I thought it was a merchant at first) my character didn't go in her head ''Óoh that is an experienced hunter!''....she believed that this was either some unfortunate tragedy or the man murdered his ''friend'' for some reason...


    ...so it is quite strange that they chose not to let you escape a fight in some way - especially having such mode as ''Trial of Iron''....and metagaming feels to me like the wrong solution for such kind of games:)

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  15.  De Arnise is....maybe not the best comparison I guess, since we inherit a....haunted ruin (I am even not sure if it's famous/infamous). But it had things to do in it. Maybe not alot, but rp opportunities non the less. 

    I suspect the stronghold in PoE is such a letdown, because it could have been so much more....but on the other hand I guess it needed not to be such an important part of the game for the people that either didn't want to or had/have characters that will just dismiss the land as any other and go on with the main quest. So maybe it was a big risk for the developers to put alot of work in it and they just chose not to...?

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  16.  I am sure I missed a few things on my first playthrough, but the stronghold disappointed me frankly.  There was just so little to do in it (or with it)...and considering bg2 where there were not only multiple, but had so much to do (compared to this one) is a let down. But I am hoping that the game (like BG2) is easy to mod and will have a big modding community to add...I don't know....''Life to it'' I guess. Where are the quests that comes with owning a piece of land? Maybe depending on our reputation some farmers will come seeking us out...or adventurers for whatever reason. Or maybe a lord will come demanding that this is his/her(?) land. 

     Or once we are lord/lady it opens additional ways for us to complete quests. We may choose to invite this npc to come live in the stronghold. Or close to it...

     Or we might be willing to take a hit to our money/income and find someone that is willing to open an inn on the grounds, hoping that this will bring more patrons/merchants/something.

     And ofcourse all these things (and hopefully more) will each bring drama with them. Oh sweet, sweet drama!


     Another thing they could have done (but it's too late now...and frankly that's ok for me since I love BG2/D&D) is for us to be unable to carry more than one suit of armour and maybe few weapons (still would have been able to carry alot of mats depending on our strength/maybe something else), and have to rely on the stronghold for our income (and the quests ofcourse). But that would make it a very prominent part of the game and I am fine with how it currently is....would have been fun experience tho:)


    Edit: I am fine with us being able to doupgrades/repairs from a distance. Wasn't the reason why explained in the game itself? 

    ...although it will be funny if we see the 'statue'(forgot name if she have any) complain about shouting so much....

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