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Everything posted by sanshin66

  1. I asked promised all gods I would do what they say in exchange for help, and then chose to send the souls randomly throughout the universe because I wanted to screw them all over. Every god except Wael and Skaen went on a rampage and killed more people than Thaos had in all his lifetimes. Everything was the same as the OP except Eder went to life a quiet life on a farm somewhere. The Dozen eventually became the only organization with authority and resembled the Crucible Knights in their earlier years, except for giving harsh punishment as they saw fit. Sagani went to her tribe to lead them into prosperity ETC. Also what made you decide against Animancy? I personally see no harm in it, there is only more that can be learned from souls and it seemed as though the sanitarium provided an excellent service of taking care of the people with distorted souls, like the guy that had half a soul and collected peoples faces because he didn't think he had one himself and some other people with soul problems including Aloth, I'd rather have them be guinea pigs for a new science than the other alternative to put them into a jail or execute them. Ofcourse there are going to be sketchy people or charlatans, but that would happen in any new field of science, Imagine the first mages were probably self proclaimed gods or expert swindlers. Also Thaos was against it, so in my mind it would probably be extremely useful in dismantling the Engiwithans ( gods ).
  2. Played on hard lvl 12 party Eder, Grieving, Drood PC, Durance, Custom Barbarian and Aloth, First of all the trash was so easy and didn't feel like epic lead up to the end, I rested before the Thaos fight but it really wasn't required, Run your entire party behind Thaos, send Eder to 1 golem and your other melee to the other golem while your druid and aloth cast abilities that do AOE knock prone, then unload your entire party on thaos he should die before he can stand back up, then tank and spank the golems and 30 seconds later you have won the game. I'll do a POTD playthrough later hoping it will be significantly harder than "hard" every fight is just AOE Disable -> AOE nuke with druid and aloth gg. Also scroll of paralize and Maelstrom GG.
  3. Finished the game in 45 hours played it on hard, The ending fight was really underwhelming only 2 adds that didn't do any damage Eder was tanking them both for the full 30 seconds while my other 5 destroyed Thaos while he was knocked prone by my Druid before he could stand up, the constructs only knock Eder down but that's what he's there for right? I expected a lot more, the trash was also really easy I rested before the Thaos fight but I shouldn't have needed to. As to the ending I promised all gods I would deal with the souls how they requested, Skaen and Wael showed up later and I was so glad Wael showed up as I didn't have any clue as to what I would do with the souls and boy did Wael give me one, I also like his lore and the scroll quest in Defiance Bay made me chuckle when he told me to hide it again. Also the choice was quite fitting as I didn't want to favor any god, I would rather screw them all over at once and face their wrath, The ending slides I got were satisfying though all the gods went on a rampage and quite possibly killed more people and claimed more souls than Thaos had himself LOL. Story is 10/10
  4. Hey, Exactly same scenario as the OP, I am curious if this intended or bugged, I've encountered a bugged quest ( Missing Sentries in Defiance bay ) before.
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