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About Blightor

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I've been playing a solo soulblade goldpact. Extremely high DPS, but as with all melee - some encounters are very tough. I'm in dreadfort and think I might pass while I try and get another level/an idol. I doubt my ability to get through that lower docks right (I think there are around 10 enemies with a mix of casters, ranged, and melee.). Still working it out, but probably highest single target damage in the game.
  2. I had to stop playing too. Just feels really bad looking at my character sheet going 'Is this right?'. I dont want to cheapen the experience, so I feel pretty down that I can't play. I've re-rolled a few times, but after a few other little bugs and such it has just begun to tarnish the whole experience. Which is a bit sad. So have stopped, and I am hopeful that once the patch comes out I can get that same motivation to play through to where I am again - because I really enjoyed things before the bugs started to impact.
  3. Its called sickness - i posted about it earlier today. Mines stuck, save/load not working.
  4. Started out with a monk Went through first section till the battle at the caravan Opted to rush the bandit Killed bandits and saved heodan (hes in my party now) Cannot select dying caravan master to continue quest save load allows me to select caravan master for chat, but no chat appears when clicking him End of game 10/10 would save heodan again
  5. Hi, Each time a druid ogre under the hold places a sickness spell on my party, my main character get's it placed as a permanent effect. I've attempted reloading, resting, etc. When I apply a nullification of detrimental effects (via liberating exhaustion on the paladin) the effects seem to be removed permanently, but I still have the status of sickened icon. Also, I've found that when my character dies of sickened my pet remains in bonded grief even after my character comes back. Help? Also, I tried uploading images, but the upload facility wont work (my filesize is fine, 150k).
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