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About Rui

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  1. Try replacing the "because they were male" with "because they were black" (or white, or whatever). Then maybe you'll get it. What I get is that you are trying to sanitize a joke on the basis that someone is getting offended. Using that same argument "sanitizing" becomes a tool, a tool that removes discussion or enlightenment in favor of mass produced clean templates of what you should, think, say or joke about. I thought that the movement you seem to uphold had the opposite intention. So you think changing this limerick to be racially-based would be okay, right? Also, what "movement"?! That's a new one on me. Yes. I think a limerick is "a kind of humorous verse of five lines". It can portray any kind of -phobic you like, be it racial, sexual, nationality, etc... The subjective value of it for whomever reads it can go from amusement to repulse, or any state between or beyond. However, if a particular group of people finds it repulsive and lobbies for its censorship it becomes something else it isn't. If that that particular group holds state control and enacts active censorship it's a close step away from active removal of opposite views. And that's what I cannot cope with. Sanitizing limericks is a form of unwarranted censorship, if that becomes viewed as "normal" we are a step away from active censorship, and then a step away from removing whomever thinks otherwise. I suggest you study the various results of such actions. The "movement" reference was taken from a reply you made that involves a political stance, I'm afraid I have no time at this moment to quote it accurately.
  2. Try replacing the "because they were male" with "because they were black" (or white, or whatever). Then maybe you'll get it. What I get is that you are trying to sanitize a joke on the basis that someone is getting offended. Using that same argument "sanitizing" becomes a tool, a tool that removes discussion or enlightenment in favor of mass produced clean templates of what you should, think, say or joke about. I thought that the movement you seem to uphold had the opposite intention.
  3. *bump* No one noticed that the values can be different, while sometimes they are the same? If so, anyone knows why?
  4. Please don't remove anything -phobic until an informed and mature discussion is carried out with a panel of diverse speakers on the subject at hand. Tired of "the uncultured mass", whose difference from patrimony destroyers is getting recognition on yet another shady part of internet. Who entitled you to carry your opinion as a preposition of truth? It's a disservice to genuine free thinkers that provoke and foster informed discussions on the matter.
  5. Can someone enlighten me on how this works, I've noticed that at the conclusion of a quest you get 2 exp notifications, and so far I've interpreted "Party Exp" as the earned experience Vs "Quest Exp" as the total I could have earned. But I'm not really sure, so I would welcome insight on the issue.
  6. Normal. That's how I feel like starting this out, limited time for playing currently so fits into driving the story forward while providing entertaining fights. Rolled a Druid, and at this point I do think I could play on Hard, but I know I will replay the game time and again so I know I'll get to Path of the Damned in Iron Mode eventually.
  7. On story driven games, with quest structure where you embark in a great adventure, I find crafting systems more of a nuisance rather than added value. The character has very imposing goals and limited time to achieve them, being a smith is not usually one of them. On sandbox, open-world games, MMORPGs, crafting systems are to be expected not only given the game purpose, but because also adds to the playing value (generic/non-existent quest lines, world immersion rather than story immersion). I recall NWN1 weapon armor crafting system with fondness: over the course of the adventure the character would find very rare ingredients that he could take back to a certified smithy for unique weapon crafting. I personally liked that, I was an adventurer, he was a smith, there was order in the world (I might have been playing a Torm cleric). So it is my opinion that the crafting system on PoE is at least giving a nudge to the fans of the feature, without overburdening the player that seeks a more "classic" adventure.
  8. Wait... there are hidden objects besides traps which can be found only in scouting? O_O Are they important to quests or usually just some bonus items? There's at least one quest that is made easier by detecting a hidden switch (and depending on another route, there's also another switch, but I only found that afterwards). So, yeah, keep an eye out for the purple goodness.
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