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Posts posted by mindswayer



    I think we can all agree the game is just incredibly, incredibly unoptimised and resource inefficient.

    You just summed up every Unity 4 game.



    You need to learn a thing or two about Unity and development before making such ignorant statements.


    There's 3 choices really:

    - Either Unity is **** and that's why every game developed on it is either some mobile game or an unoptimized pc title;

    - Or the devs just don't know what the **** they're doing but they just keep using unity because hey it's free lol

    Unity IS a steaming pile of **** when it comes to using resources efficiently. it is no coincidence that almost every game released on Unity seems to have the same problems.

    I understand why Obsidian chose Unity, and I'm not even mad. They said they have no experience with Unity, they're still learning, which is ok by me. I'm not gonna die because my game drops to 30 fps. It's just annoying and I'd be glad to see it fixed. I just hope they move to Unity 5 in a sequel.

  2. I dunno... Cities Skylines was a Unity 4 game wasn't it? That seemed pretty well optimised to me, despite seeming far more complex and demanding.

    Cities Skylines uses Unity 5, I think.


    Edit: Appears to be a modified version of Unity.

    What engine does Skylines use?

    It uses Unity, like Cities in Motion 2 but they have rewritten and improved features.

  3. I honestly think it's a throttling issue.  Spell effects and lighting are sending temps through the roof. The reason you're getting better performance after restarting the game might be due to heat dissipation while the client isn't running.  After 5 mins or so I bet you'll see performance nosedive again.


    Cast a bunch of spell effects, pause the game and wait a while, then check temps. It's like the shaders are completely overloaded due to the backgrounds and the complexity of the effects, so even during a pause they're running in overdrive constantly.  Character models just standing around has performance at normal, yet when a lot of effects are on-screen the performance gets trashed.


    For what it's worth, my performance increased somewhat by limiting my framerate so that when a lot of effects aren't on-screen my game isn't running all-out, then when a lot of effects hit the screen I still have some room to budge until temperature throttling kicks in when temps increase.


    There was another post on the Steam community site about how this game heats up the GPU so much even on high-end systems.  It would be very advantageous for people to check temps during the framerate drops since I'm fairly sure the performance problem is due to temperature throttling -- and if it is, Obsidian needs to find ways to tone down shader effects so they don't burn out their customers' computers.

    My GPU doesn't go past 50ºC.

  4. If you are attacking another person, whether they are on the forum or not, through any words like bigot, ****, crazy, or tranny you should probably step back for a second and consider what you are doing.


    For one, you guys are about to get this topic locked.  Secondly you weaken your position when you can't discuss ideas without attacking people who disagree with you.  You can disagree with someone without attacking them.  Try and focus on concepts and ideas and not individuals.  This conversation was going along pretty well for a while, dozens of pages discussing ideas and concepts without the quantity of vitriolic attacks that have been in the last half dozen pages.

    Calling someone an intolerant bigot is also a personal attack by the way for all the people who seem to not understand that is just as much a personal attack as tranny or **** is.

    This thread should have been locked long ago, it was obvious where this was going. It's ****ing 6 am and I'm still arguing with strangers on the internet lol.




    If you are attacking another person, whether they are on the forum or not, through any words like bigot, ****, crazy, or tranny you should probably step back for a second and consider what you are doing.


    For one, you guys are about to get this topic locked.  Secondly you weaken your position when you can't discuss ideas without attacking people who disagree with you.  You can disagree with someone without attacking them.  Try and focus on concepts and ideas and not individuals.  This conversation was going along pretty well for a while, dozens of pages, with a much more limited amount of vitriolic personal attacks.


    Calling someone an intolerant bigot is also an attack by the way for all the people who seem to not understand that is just as much a personal attack as tranny or **** is.

    Tranny and f@ggot have been thrown around. If you don't like me saying this is bigotry, too bad, because it is.


    You just seem to dismiss every piece of criticism thrown at you by either changing the subject entirely or using the "bigot" card. I don't think I've actually seen you use a counter-argument in the dozens of posts I've seen from you.

    • Like 3






    Now, the person who originally tweeted that complaint consistently comes across as a sociopathic monster in her tweets. So maybe Obsidian should not have treated a tweet from a person like that seriously. On the other hand, Obsidian couldn't necessarily know that this person was like that. 





    fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg


    it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly


    Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising).


    Him. Eric. Don't you get it? They get to decide what her name and gender is. Her identity is their property.


    I'm pretty sure nature gets to decide gender.



    You're confusing gender with sex. Sex are male and female. Gender is a social construct.


    "Women's work."

    "Man's food."


    Nature does not make such distinctions.


    I'm really not. I do not believe that gender is a social construct.





    So, Erika is:


    1. Actually a gay man, because you said so

    2. Actually named Eric, even though she herself said that was not her deadname, because you said so

    3. Mentally ill because a) she taunted gamergaters slurring her with the KIllAllMen thing, and because b)she's really a man and of course that makes her crazy


    Nope, this is pure bigotry. Close the damn thread.


    He's mentally ill because Gender Dysphoria is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.



    Not anymore. Well, not as you probably think about it.





    From your own reference...


    DSM-5 aims to avoid stigma and ensure clinical care for individuals who see and feel themselves to be a different gender than their assigned gender. It replaces the diagnostic name “gender identity disorder” with “gender dysphoria,” as well as makes other important clarifications in the criteria. It is important to note that gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition.


    My point was basically what's in bold, unless I misunderstood your intention in posting it. Identity is how a person feels, regardless of what is between their legs and that, in and of itself, is not a mental disorder.


    Personally, I feel that people can be who they are around me and I'm not judgmental about that.


    Gender noncomformity and gender dysphoria are not the same thing. And I never said I was judgmental about what they choose to be around me. They can be whatever the hell they want, as long as they act like normal people.






    Now, the person who originally tweeted that complaint consistently comes across as a sociopathic monster in her tweets. So maybe Obsidian should not have treated a tweet from a person like that seriously. On the other hand, Obsidian couldn't necessarily know that this person was like that. 





    fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg


    it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly


    Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising).


    Go see his twitter then if you believe he's completely normal and that's all framed.




    What the everloving fµck is wrong with you? Do you get off on being a hateful bigot or are you just so lacking in empathy that you cannot fathom how damaging it is to trans* people to be repeatedly labelled with the wrong gender? Are you completely and utterly incapable of giving a sh!t about others?


    No, I am not incapable of giving a **** about others, nor do I get off by hurting others. That is why I believe they should receive treatment.





    Now, the person who originally tweeted that complaint consistently comes across as a sociopathic monster in her tweets. So maybe Obsidian should not have treated a tweet from a person like that seriously. On the other hand, Obsidian couldn't necessarily know that this person was like that. 





    fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg


    it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly


    Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising).


    Him. Eric. Don't you get it? They get to decide what her name and gender is. Her identity is their property.


    I'm pretty sure nature gets to decide gender.




    Now, the person who originally tweeted that complaint consistently comes across as a sociopathic monster in her tweets. So maybe Obsidian should not have treated a tweet from a person like that seriously. On the other hand, Obsidian couldn't necessarily know that this person was like that. 





    fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg


    it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly


    Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising).


    Go see his twitter then if you believe he's completely normal and that's all framed.



    So, Erika is:


    1. Actually a gay man, because you said so

    2. Actually named Eric, even though she herself said that was not her deadname, because you said so

    3. Mentally ill because a) she taunted gamergaters slurring her with the KIllAllMen thing, and because b)she's really a man and of course that makes her crazy


    Nope, this is pure bigotry. Close the damn thread.


    He's mentally ill because Gender Dysphoria is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.



    Not anymore. Well, not as you probably think about it.




    How many people have seen The Hangover 2.  In that movie, Andy from The Office has sex with a trans.  And is upset about it after the fact.  The HORROR!


    Is that 'transphobic'?  I say no, but If so, should the film be censored because of that?  I say **** NO!


    The limerick that got censored here is more nebulous than that and yet it was cut because a small minority were offended.  Sad.  The offended have a choice.  Don't play.  Don't watch. Don't listen.  Spend your money elsewhere.  I do not have problem with the criticism, I have a problem with Obsidian's knee jerk reaction to it.

    ...until it's your turn to get offended.  then you will be DEMANDING your right to be offended.


    seriously, what you are asking here is nothing less than for people with complaints about something to simply not participate.


    what if that complaint was about slavery?  or miscegenation?  I suppose you'd tell them all simply to avoid living in places that have slavery....


    I got a little poem for you to read.  you need to learn it, and understand it, or you will one day be a victim of it.







    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    ...If you don't know who wrote it, or why, it's something you should spend some time finding out.




    They have every right to be offended, they just don't have the right to demand censorship upon a joke. If they want to be offended, they should also explain why they are offended, which did not happen, at all (and I mean that eric dude and the other people on twitter). I'd say that "I'm offended because these situations usually end up with the tranny person murdered" is a pretty ****ing giant leap of imagination, especially when in the god damn poem the guy killed himself and no harm was done to the other person.

    • Like 1


    I think the act of removing it is likely to bring more attention through the Streisand Effect.


    As for the note itself: I know a few trans people and they would have probably snickered at that because it wasn't mean spirited as presented. More than likely the people making the most stink aren't the victims of the perceived offense.


    Especially because I've seen the Kill All men dude's picture. If you just showed that to someone there's no way they'd think he was female.


    Not even in a "can't pass" way, there's no sign he's even trying to look female.


    And there it is: the response to any criticism of transphobia immediately justifies such criticism.


    Disliking someone who is borderline insane is hardly what you'd call transphobia. I guess people are transphobes for disliking Hitler as well.


    Funny how you decide to leave right after you let slip that you know Eric enough to know his real name. Did you mention this when you spent the past several threads arguing for his position?

    Her, bigot.


    And she posted it. On twitter.


    Someday I'm going to meet a slightly intelligent bigot. It has to happen eventually, right?

    Some people just classify others' gender according to their genitalia. What's wrong with that? Seems the most reasonable way to do it.


    On a side note, why haven't the mods closed the thread yet? This is going to turn into another ****ing argument about what trannies should be classified as, instead of talking about videogames.


    Did you progress in the Adra's quest? Because what I did was:

    1) Talked to it

    2) Agreed to help

    3) Got quest to drop something in the titan's hand

    4) Instead of doing that I just attacked the Adra Dragon (didn't even leave the room)

    Maybe the fact that the quest log did not give me the option to kill it (immediately) after I talked to her somehow messes with the achievement.



    Yes, I did put the amulet on titan's hand, talked to the hunter and got the dragon debuff skill from her before returning to the Adra Dragon. The game didn't give me any dialog option to attack the dragon either and I had to do so manually. Achievement still popped, right after killing the dragon, so I doubt it's connected to the drakes because I obviously did that before entering endgame.


    Oh well. I don't know then. Must have missed something. I'm on a second playthrough anyway so I'll just have Durance pray for the achivement to trigger.



    One way or another, Obsidian has lost value with me. How could I ever defend them from their reputation as a buggy developer when, even if they were 100% truthful


    1: They had super sloppy vetting process (I'd really like to see the guidelines it went by released publicly)

    2: A genocide advocat on Twitter gets more attention than the many remaining critical bugs

    M8, come on. I HIGHLY doubt the developers working on the bugs were the ones handling this ****storm.


    Sawyer said he would "talk to our producers about it". At the very least Feargus had his time wasted with it because he wrote the PR line.


    They mentioned technical issues prevented them from just editing the limerick so they had to delete it and add a new one. SOMEONE at least semi-qualifed to look over code had to have his or her time taken up with this nonsense.


    Well, yes, someone qualified to look over code had to have his/her time taken up, but your post suggested that they just went "oh, there's people having crashes left and right? stats disappearing? **** that ****, there's a special snowflake on twitter complaining. We'll deal with bugs later". Seems to me they fixed the critical bugs while they "dealt" with the issue, so I'm fine with it (even though there was no issue to deal with really...).

    What ****ing bothers me is how they didn't even say anything in the patch notes regarding the changes. But whatever, no biggie.

  16. One way or another, Obsidian has lost value with me. How could I ever defend them from their reputation as a buggy developer when, even if they were 100% truthful


    1: They had super sloppy vetting process (I'd really like to see the guidelines it went by released publicly)

    2: A genocide advocat on Twitter gets more attention than the many remaining critical bugs

    M8, come on. I HIGHLY doubt the developers working on the bugs were the ones handling this ****storm.

  17. The people at Obsidian are not complete fools you know... if they really had the intention to remove Firedorn's first limerick in order to please the wackos who called them out on transgender phobia on Twitter they wouldn't have allowed him to write a new one that makes explicitly fun of their pathetic intimidation attempt.

    Yeah, this is actually true. I don't believe they failed their "vetting" process again. It's all solved now, apparently. Back to the world of Eora, everone.

    • Like 1
  18. One thing I dont understand is them saying officially that this was not vetted before (heavily implied it should have been), but would still allow it to stay anyway. This really makes no sense. Official confirmation from Obsidian further clearing this would be nice, especially now that Firedorn gave his 2 cents so there is no need to protect him or his choice (as he made it clear by now).

    It's really hard to make sense when you're making **** up in the heat of the moment.




    They said that your content 'failed their vetting process'. How do you reconcile that? I struggle a lot to reconcile it myself. Why would they even say that if it meant nothing in terms of removing it?

    It might suggest Obsidian just didn't notice it could be controversial. Which is a fail in their vetting process, because the current discussion is bad PR & hurting the game - no matter what specific opinion you might have on the subject.


    Maybe they didn't notice it was offensive/controversial because it just wasn't in the first place.

    • Like 1

    "Asked". Meaning "change it or we simply remove it". There was no choice involved for the person.


    Actually, there was a choice.  They asked me if I wanted to change in light of what happened.  I chose to change it so that they can concentrate on the game instead of this PR nightmare.  They weren't going to change it, they asked ME if I wanted to.  I can find another platform to write my controversial crap, and I will.  They, on the other hand, did the right thing and allowed me to decide the fate of the epitaph.  I chose to turn into something that made fun of the bitch-bastards that were complaining.


    They went above and beyond what I would have expected them to do.


    You did well. The new poem is really good and I personally really like how it takes a stab at those who whined so much about it being offensive. However, I'd just like to tell you not to feel disencouraged about writing controversial ****, wherever it is. This was none of your fault m8.

    • Like 1

    From the Kickstarter update:



    Backer Content
    It's come to our attention that a piece of backer-created content has made it into Pillars of Eternity that was not vetted. Once it was brought to our attention, it followed the same vetting process as all of our other content. Prior to release, we worked with many of our backers to iterate on content they asked to be put into the game that didn't strike the right tone.
    In the case of this specific content, we checked with the backer who wrote it and asked them about changing it. We respect our backers greatly, and felt it was our duty to include them in the process. They gave us new content which we have used to replace what is in the game. To be clear, we followed the process we would have followed had this content been vetted prior to the release of the product.
    We appreciate the faith you have all given us into making Pillars of Eternity the great game that it has become, and we appreciate the strength of conviction all of you bring to every conversation we have together.
    Feargus Urquhart, CEO 
    Obsidian Entertainment, Inc.


    So, nothing new at all? What is even the purpose of that post? Doesn't even give any new info whatsoever.

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