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About mouton.rebelle

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. Indeed didn't noticed but it's gone ! Thanks a bunch ! Now please share the fix with Amplitude for Endless Legend
  2. Any option to get a refund ? It's been a month and I still can"t play...
  3. Any update from the Unity team regarding this issue ? Thanks !
  4. The last patch seemed to have made things worse : I can no longer disable fullscreen (either with the cmd+F trick or via removing the preferences pist), so I can no longer play the game at all - even in a crappy windowed mode... Let's hope the unity team gets back to you soon, I really want to play
  5. Same issue there, only one monitor hooked to my mac pro via HDMI. Got the same issue on both Endless Legend & Dungeon of the Endless, was fixed on Dungeon of the endless a while ago.
  6. For those having the issue, is your monitor hooked on HDMI ? thanks...
  7. My guess is : - the issue is related to the unity / mono combo : I got the same issue with Dungeon of the endless & Endless legend (was fixed in the first one a few weeks after launch, the second is still affected). Wasteland 2 (no mono AFAIK) was never affected. - its not multiple monitors alone that triggers this bug. I have only one monitor, but it's wired with HDMI, and if I toggle fullscreen I got the same issue (black screen, audio and cursor, and unity/player.log spammed with unable to find monitor / switching res. Really hope they'll fix this quick, playing windowed is such a pain...
  8. My guess is : - the issue is related to the unity / mono combo : I got the same issue with Dungeon of the endless & Endless legend (was fixed in the first one a few weeks after launch, the second is still affected). Wasteland 2 (no mono AFAIK) was never affected. - its not multiple monitors alone that triggers this bug. I have only one monitor, but it's wired with HDMI, and if I toggle fullscreen I got the same issue (black screen, audio and cursor, and unity/player.log spammed with unable to find monitor / switching res. Really hope they'll fix this quick, playing windowed is such a pain...
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