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About katie

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  1. Just saying it's clear doesn't make it so. You haven't proved anything. There are great games that are super punishing and unfair, and there are great games where you can be godly as hell and steamroll everything. What game design is correct? I dunno - both maybe? You just have a preference with respect to difficult games - that's all. Doesn't mean what you want is right for everyone. It really doesn't. In Diablo 2, you can steamroll everything, and this game is classic and people LOVED this game... so much they still play it today and base every other ARPG on it to this date. Is *that* wrong? No. Diablo had harder difficulties which required you to grind a lot to have a shot at succeeding. Yes, Normal was a steamroll, however not even then not as much as current PoE2 as Blizzard actually cared a lot about balancing and not having broken stuff. What's the point of having difficulties in the first place if they're all "easy"? What I want doesn't make the game "unfun" for casual players as they can still steamroll the game on easy and feel as godly as they want to. But for some reason you seem to think people that enjoy these games in a different way don't have the right to do so. <3 I hope you feel better. PS: Diablo 2 at Hell difficulty wasn't that hard.
  2. Just saying it's clear doesn't make it so. You haven't proved anything. There are great games that are super punishing and unfair, and there are great games where you can be godly as hell and steamroll everything. What game design is correct? I dunno - both maybe? You just have a preference with respect to difficult games - that's all. Doesn't mean what you want is right for everyone. It really doesn't. In Diablo 2, you can steamroll everything, and this game is classic and people LOVED this game... so much they still play it today and base every other ARPG on it to this date. Is *that* wrong? No.
  3. If you have trouble with mechanics you can just play the easiest difficulty? I think PoE2 introduced even easier difficulty levels compared to PoE1. Or you can just leave it as is Who is right and who is wrong? I dunno. Do you? Not really. It's all preference.
  4. I sort of like powerful abilities... means I don't have to know the mechanics 100% or I mess something up and gimp my party in the process. Punishment and semi-permanent losses due to learning curve and lack of understanding at the beginning sucks for games that take dozens of hours to thoroughly understand and memorize every formula and ability. It's nice to think about what you want to do, and it works well, mostly, even if you don't immediately understand all of the reasons why at the time you decided it. Redoing a lot of work just sucks. Nobody had this time to waste.
  5. FYI, some of the character builds don't have their class listed - like 3 of them
  6. That is pretty helpful. I'm thinking I may want to stay away from multi-classes... it's going to take me a long time to learn the better combinations... might just rather go with single classes for a first playthrough. I dunno if I am comfortable with Eder being a Rogue though... seems weird to me as he was a tank in my POE1 save. Hrmm... I guess I could be a cipher or wizard then. Would I be okay with either of those? If I did that, would I pretty much have to make Eder a Rogue? How long until another Rogue comes along? Maybe I should just be a Rogue.
  7. I'm really undecided. I don't *need* something stupidly overpowered... but I also don't want to pick something with unfortunate consequences... like I dunno... picking a Paladin and then you get another Paladin 2 hours into the game... or just picking something that ultimately isn't very balanced/good. Or picking a character that doesn't go well with the NPCs you get. Any suggestions? I don't want to be bored - don't mind doing stuff - if that helps. Being slightly-above average in terms of power might be a good idea though, to offset random difficulty. Thanks!
  8. Thanks! If it's 50/50 among backers, the most passionate and dedicated audience they are going to receive - the very people who want this game to succeed more than anybody else - then I can imagine it being a lot less than 50% when the game ships at launch
  9. I must have died before I even got the option :/ Honestly, I tried and tried. I ran out of ammo. That entire part just wasn't fun :/ If you can board the ship, then if I got a chance to do that, I would have had a great time with it.
  10. I don't want to be negative, but I really didn't enjoy the ship-to-ship combat at all. I won't lie and say I immediately understood how it worked, but even once I got it, I found it repetitive and boring... not to mention unfair (at least as far as the beta's ship starting resources were concerned). I just ran out of ammunition after awhile and my opponent had the full amount, and so I died anyway. I kept trying to close in to improve the accuracy of my cannons, and they missed like crazy and did pitiful damage... and I can't imagine using 120 bullets on each and every ship battle. There were just so many combat rounds. My opponent was not exactly hitting either, but they just had more ammunition and so they won after 30 combat rounds... (or was it 50?) I honestly thought the entire experience was the most unpolished and least thought-out mechanics I've ever seen in any Pillars game or Tyranny. I'll tell you this... what I want in a pirate game is to board their vessel for ship-to-ship fighting so I can beat them in swashbuckling combat, take all of their loot, and make their captain squirm. That's the fantasy I want to enjoy here. And even better: I make the captain swear fealty to me, and they can go hunt items and resources for me for the rest of the game. Some captains can rebel, and you can put them down to set an example. OMG, the possibilities are endless here. Endlessly speeding closer, turning around and firing cannons is really not what I want to do in this game. Let Assassin's Creed do that - they do it better. Give us something Assassin's Creed never gave us instead. Be your own game. I can already imagine me dreading these combat sequences in the main game... please fix it and make the whole game great :/
  11. For what it's worth, I'd pay 30-40 dollars for a hardcover strategy guide. I absolutely love them.
  12. When creating a character with font size at 130% on 1600x900, I get some weird font issues. https://www.dropbox.com/s/jnglbpbbqhsavix/2018-03-10.png?dl=0 Is there any way players can enjoy the game at higher resolutions while having the dialog text readable? I am forced to go down to lower resolutions just so I can read the text easily. Playing at 1080-1440p is extremely difficult for me And I'm finding the 130% font size setting to give me a poor experience. Is something like this going to be addressed by April 3rd? It seems like it might be a bit of rework to your dialog UI to get the scaling working properly like it does for the character creation screens - high resolutions look fine there.
  13. When I run Pillars of Eternity through Steam (basically, the second time I've run the game I think), it now does not start. The POE2 window appears... my mouse is caged... but the window is transparent, so I can see whatever windows I was seeing before (like Steam or Windows Explorer). If I click the mouse, the screen turns black and I see the hourglass. If I click again, the screen turns white and then the typical Windows dialog box about the application not responding shows up. When I press Okay, the POE2 window closes and the app stops running. On my previous attempt, I played the game for only a few hours... I talked to everyone in the village, and then started exploring outside the village. Steps I am taking to resolve it myself: Deleting my saved games has had no effect on solving the problem (even with cloud saves turned off) Letting the game run before killing the app manually does not seem to eventually make it work. Rebooting my computer has no effect on solving the problem. Uninstalling and reinstalling has no effect. I'm attaching an export of my registry for Current User/Software/Obsidian/POE2, since that's probably where the issue is. Deleting all of the registry key/value pairs in this registry folder fixes the issue... I can start the game. If I Enable the telemetry option when the game starts up, I get the issue again. If I disable telemetry, I can finally get to the main menu. Exiting and restarting the game with telemetry turned off works normally. Conclusion: Enabling telemetry is the problem output_log.txt DxDiag.txt registry_export.txt
  14. I got an email to try out the backer beta but my account doesn't show anything. Help?
  15. Crappy Okay... guess I'm coming back here when my party is a lot stronger then
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