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Spitfire Squirrel

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About Spitfire Squirrel

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    In the old oak tree
  1. Or maybe who ever killed everyone played too much Metal Gear Solid and stuffed all the bodies into lockers. I had hoped that there would be some information about the dead guys during the game. It always bugged me that we never find out who they are, why they were there, etc, etc, etc.
  2. I always thought that the cut Atris skin was just her wearing a home-made Maleficent cosplay costume...just because she is just a fallen Jedi doesn't mean she doesn't like to prance around her underground bunker in felt and hot-glued sequins while singing Disney songs. <_<
  3. Yeah, I have a mod too for TSL that gives you better-looking DS characters. They don't get as pale, their eyes change colors, and they get tribal facial tattoos. Instead of looking like they are about to keel over. I had to get it, otherwise I wouldn't play as darkside. The taint just made them look either really silly or really disturbing. And in the first game it made the romance a joke. Especially if the PC was a girl, ick...poor Carth falling in love with someone who looked like a Michel Jackson impersonator. And for TSL I saw what everyone looked like DS before I played the game and I found them quite, well, icky for the lack of a better word. To me they don't look evil they just look like very, very tired wanna-be goths.
  4. Weee! Sorry, I'm hyper and that picture is just making me giddy, since its one of the parts of the game that always cracks me up. Great work here, I don't think I saw anything that didn't make we say "Wow!".
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