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Posts posted by Knights&Darths

  1. Outside of the ship it is worse than Kotor1, inside better... but only inside
    :D of course, kotor has no convo on the ship! tsl has less out because some take place on the ship. anyway i think you missed some, i listed at least 10 both in and out of the ship, but as i said the ones in kotor were more fun
    you make a pretty poor list
    so far you hanven't made much of a list, i talked about the lines i remembered, and yes it's more than Carth ever gave us the pleasure to hear. i said it at first, it shouldn't be a matter of lines, Carth speaks about many things, Atton speaks more but hardly it's something important.
    About every convo with a NPC had convo options
    (w00t) exaggeration - look, you might want to check the dialog files if you have kotor tool - you talk about those little ones triggered in the middle of nowhere where your party members suddenly start to talk to each other, just those
  2. i usually hit Korriban first, the weapon doesn't matter, just keep it well upgraded. you get ds points if you say you'd follow Revan to war now, the jedi civil war, or if you say something bad about the council. when they attack you, turn on a good energy shield so you have time to buff up with stims and force powers, and use medpacs

  3. in Trayus Accademy, if you have high intellingence or awareness, and you're skilled in persuasion, try to erode his will like HK taught you. use lightsaber/force forms, use shields, stims and medpacs (for beginners: they're free actions if you do it from the inventory). also before you fight him make sure you're well armed, find a workbench (you can find one in the Trayus training grounds too) and make some good upgrades, if you can use the higher skills of other npc's (like T3), do it. as for force powers

    1. Korriban when you approach the cave with Atton and Visas
    2. Nar Shaddaa with Atton and Handmaiden when you meet the owner of the Ebon Hawke
    3. Nar Shaddaa with Atton and Bao-Dur when the Zhugs come for you
    4. Dxun with Bao-Dur and T3 when helping Zuka
    5. some in the tomb of Freedon Nadd, not everyone though
    6. Malachor V, first Remote and Bao-Dur then Remote and G0T0
    7. Malachor V, Mira and Hanharr
    8. Jek'Jek Tar, Mira and Hanharr, before and after the call of the Exchange
    9. Nar Shaddaa, Atton plans your rescue with Mira/Hanharr and T3
    10. Dantooine, enclave sublevels, Atton and Mira when you join Disciple
    11. HK and T3 when you talk about droids not to be treated as furniture

    on the ship there's much more:

    1. Atton and Handmaiden talking about echani styles of combat
    2. Handmaiden and Visas talking about you, when your influence is stronger on Visas the little girl gets jealous
    3. Handmaiden and Kreia talking about Visas, when your influence is much stronger on Visas, old girl gets little girl mad at you and she'll give you a jealousy act and never talk to you again
    4. Atton and Kreia when he tells you everything
    5. Bao-Dur and Kreia when you go red, this is important, she humiliates him and talks about Malachor V and you understand she was there in the final battle
    6. Bao-Dur and Mandalore when you join the mandalorian
    7. Bao-Dur and Mandalore when you have full influence on the mandalorian, they'll talk about Malachor V
    8. T3, G0T0 and Remote with Bao-Dur from time to time for repairs and upgrades
    9. G0T0 and HK when you join the floating boss of the Exchange
    10. Mira and Handmaiden talking about love

    that's about everything

  4. @Mahf

    [*]Mandalore's helmet and Revan's orders

    if you help Mandalore gather the clans (Dantooine, Nar Shaddaa) he will tell you the whole story. when mandalorians lose their leader, they choose a new one to wear Mandalore's helmet, when Revan killed Mandalore during the Mandalorian Wars, he took this helmet so that no new one would be chosen for a time. after defeating Malak, when Revan regained more of his lost memories, he told Canderous Ordo where to find the helmet and he told him to gather the clans and be ready for his return, for he would need them, along with the republic's army under Carth Onasi (or Admiral Cede), to fight the Sith.

    [*]the true reason for the mandalorian wars

    it was to be clear in a dialog on the Ravenger but it was cut. still Bastila on Korriban gives us the hint, she says that Revan was regaining more of his lost memories and thought it may have been not a choice for the mandalorians to attack the republic. we can guess who would have tricked them but no one knows, maybe the Sith, more likely Revan himself. it is said that Revan was born in the unknown regions, so maybe he knew of the remnants of the Sith Empire all along and that would be the reason for his mission, his crazy training, his "war of conversion", his subduing the mandalorians

  5. @Battlewookiee

    i don't see this lack of interaction between party members, they talk to each other not only when you're out (like in kotor) but on the ship as well. here's some:

    1. Korriban when you approach the cave with Atton and Visas
    2. Nar Shaddaa with Atton and Handmaiden when you meet the owner of the Ebon Hawke
    3. Nar Shaddaa with Atton and Bao-Dur when the Zhugs come for you
    4. Dxun with Bao-Dur and T3 when helping Zuka
    5. some in the tomb of Freedon Nadd, not everyone though

    i'm sure everyone remembers about the ones on the ship.

    its obvious you have a thing (not sexual) for carth
    why not? :luck: (just kidding)
    I have to go with Carth, he has more lines than Atton
    actually Atton has a bit more. Atton doesn't keep his mouth shut for all of Peragus, the Harbinger, the Ebon Hawke, your quarters on Cittadel Station where he also talks with Kreia, in the dark side conversation with Luxa, and when you kill the Exchange boss. there is also much more on Telos if you bring him along when you meet Bao-Dur, about Czerka, the mercs, along the shore, at the console
  6. mmm <_< i had to play some more than just twice, the first time i didn't even know what influence was for besides the alignments of the party, i was so eager to get on with the game that i missed everything. i had to play the four ds/ls-fe/male combinations for Revan and myself as well, always there was more. it sure was entertaining but it took time before i knew all this :-



    1. Mandalore's helmet and Revan's orders
    2. the true reason for the mandalorian wars
    3. Kreia's intentions from the very beginning to the end
    4. the whole lot of details linking Kae and Kreia (much like Revan and the pc in kotor1)
    5. that Goto is Chodo's lost intelligence droid
    6. HK's psychological arsenal against Sion
    7. the true Lesson of Strenght, the very heart of Kreia's teachings
    8. the fate of master Vandar
    9. HK's role in the mandalorian wars
    10. what exactly is a wound in the force

    Its actually not that hard, you just have to be careful on how you do things
    the biggest problem i can see is Onderon, to get Mandalore first (he's about the most difficult, takes time) you miss a good deal of occasions in which you could have gained influence on npcs you don't have yet. on top of that it's more difficult to keep your alignment (to get the prestige class you want and the tomb of Ludo Kressh)
  7. ..the DS version of events and discovered Hanharr's motives. I found they were actually pretty well thought out. Sure, Hanharr is a pretty complex character for a wookiee, but I support it when writers do something unexpected and then can explain why it is so
    i agree, i found his past very touching, he killed his people to spare them and when he came to doubt the sense of lifedebts he wished mira ended his life so that he could join them and they may forgive, and even more when the exile finally breakes his ties to that twisted code of honor. yeah, i think the carpet is the best character in k2 save kreia, even more so considered that his lesson of strength was my favourite lesson from kreia too..


    hanharr- it is a dangerous predator that can bend the will of another with a word. it is the most dangerous predator

    hanharr- she hunts truth, i think - and she seeks it in you. and truth is difficult prey - difficult to find, difficult to face. And with greater desperation, she hunts that which runs against that truth

    hanharr- to be brave enough to hunt truth, yes. for the hunting ground for such things is within you

    kreia- it is to surrender yourself, to make yourself a slave to a teaching or belief, that makes it so that the belief will always rule you

    kreia- to believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it. it is something that no sith or jedi has ever truly learned

    the exile- the only power i need is myself

    kreia- and know that that is the true lesson of strength - to turn away from strength that is not your own

  8. That was a particularly blunt..

    oh don't worry about that :devil:"

    just a tiny bit maybe i am, but i do love spending time with people though people hardly grow jinger-addicted (see signature), still some do and that is enough since they're very different from me yet we share interest for stimulating sharp and psycho-philosophical topics.. thus "anorak" fits with me halfway i think.. maybe i got a bit carried away :D no matter

  9. he even wore jedi robes, eh? :( i never knew about tyvokka


    it seems people liked mira more than hanharr <_< i know, she's hot - and she's mandalorian too. personally i prefer hanharr, he's got more depth, and much to teach. i found his past touching, he killed his own kind and then wished mira would get him back to them so that they may forgive. i voted for the lesson of strength here because it is also my favourite lesson from kreia, to turn away from the shackles of the jedi code, the slavery of a belief, and to turn away from power that is not your own

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