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Everything posted by Shadow_Dragon_SM

  1. I can't see the badge progress directly from the inventory, however if I go manually to my badges in progress I can see the progress just fine. Tried that? Can you tell me how to manually do that? I've never had to. In the Steam client, at the top of the screen you should see your name. Click on that and a drop list will appear. The second to last option is badges. Just click that and it will take you to your badge page.
  2. Showing up fine for me now. Thanks BAdler.
  3. Hmm. I wonder if there was a specific issue with Adobe Reader. Those green blank pages didn't look like they belonged. Anyway - figured I'd make this just so anyone who had been confused by (for example) the map being split across two pages and not showing up right would know there's an easy solution, should they so desire. Thanks Matt.
  4. Absolutely incredible soundtrack. Great work Justin.
  5. If you have I think royal edition, than your guide will be in your steam directory. If you pledged separately for strategy guide, than you go to the backer portal, products and just download it. I I got the whole thing, that is, the "most DLC" edition (which I think was the Royal edition, but may have been the Champion edition, or possibly an edition named after some element currently unknown to man), off Steam. When I look in ...\steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\Docs\ the only thing I have is the Manual. Steam insists that the guide has been installed, and that is where I would have expected to find it, but the only things in their are: pe-game-manual.pdf readme.txt OFL,txt SteamworksNET.txt So I must be looking in the wrong place, right? Try verifying the integrity of game cache through Steam. None of the extras were appearing for me either. When I verified the integrity, it found a bunch of files it needed to re-download. All of the extras (except the Novella and Documentary) showed up for me.
  6. It seems as if Steam has not set the flag to say the game has been released. The same issue happened with the release of Evil Within. Hopefully Steam will get it sorted out shortly.
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