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Everything posted by velocd

  1. Correction to #5 above (making it here since I can't seem to edit my OP anymore): This thread is also at Reddit here for discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/30o0ur/guide_action_queuing_demystified_and_some/
  2. The author of IEMod has some modding framework stuff done here: https://bitbucket.org/Bester/poe-modding-framework
  3. I don't know how to add additional voice sets and I suspect it would require C# modding. (https://bitbucket.org/Bester/poe-modding-framework) However, you could probably easily replace a current voice set with the one you want. Make a copy of a current voice set for back up and move them somewhere, then paste in your Icewind Dale voice set and rename the files to match the original voice set files you replaced -- matching voices based on effect of course (e.g. replace a PoE taunt with a Icewind Dale taunt). Btw the naming system, as I understand it, is usually the character followed by the conversation ID in 4 digits. e.g. In my above post the first line spoken by Odema as you start the game is represented by ID 48 in the XML file 07_cv_odema.stringtable, and the OGG file is 07_cv_odema_0048.ogg. --- In regards to modding the non-vocal conversations I posted about above (was its own thread but merged here), I believe it's also not possible without C# modding. =( Though I could spend the time to do it, it's way more involved a mod than I would like to distribute and not worth the effort. I was hoping for some simple OGG drop-ins or XML editing. Not C# modding.
  4. A loading screen tip reads: I toyed around with this some and was able to test the following, but there may be more I'm missing so I'm hoping others can correct or fill out information. **Note - Targeted abilities are defined by having to initiate the ability (click/hotkey) then click on a target to cast. This is opposed to a non-targeted ability, such as an AoE heal, that you only need to click on the ability to cast.** ------------- 1. Actions that can be queued are movement and hot bar abilities (spells, quick slots, etc?). 2. Movement consists of single or multiple way points (shift-click for multiple way points). 3. Hot bar abilities can be queued once per hot bar group. Groups are identified by the pixel gap between hot bar abilities. (Doesn't apply to weapon sets obviously or anything else that is instant while paused) 4. QUEUE ORDER: Quick slot abilities (or at least non-targeted consumables) -> non-targeted abilities -> all movement way points and/or targeted abilities and/or attack action. 5. Movement all happens at once, even if you weave it through your queue. However, movement queued before targeted abilities will happen before targeted abilities, and movement queued after targeted abilities will happen after targeted abilities. 6. Queued hot bar abilities can target different people, assuming the hot bar abilities are in different hot bar groups. e.g. You can chug a potion, cast an AoE ability, cast a spell at an enemy target, cast a heal on an ally target, then move through 5 way points. All in one queue. 7. POSSIBLE BUG? The movement reticle for the first way point only shows up if you queue movement before any other action. If not queuing movement first, just because there is no reticle doesn't mean you haven't queued movement, as long as you shift-clicked to add to the queue. The exception to this rule are some quick slot consumables, like beer, can be used first and the movement reticle will still appear though it's not the first queued action. Personally I think this is a bug or poor feature, and the reticle should always show up, and also multiple waypoints should have reticles identified with numbers indicating their waypoint. 8. POSSIBLE BUG? Some quick slot items, like beer consumable, do not cancel out of the queue even if you hit the cancel key. They will cast regardless. I observed this out of combat. 9. POSSIBLE BUG? A green animated border on a hot bar ability means it's queued, but I have observed no animated borders for some quick slot items when queued (like consumable beer). 10. FUNDAMENTAL: Any targeted actions, such as movement or abilities, that are not first in the queue can be clicked to initiate but must be shift-clicked on the target to cast or you will reset your queue to one. Say you want to do this: Chug a potion -> cast an AoE spell from hot bar group 1 -> cast a targeted spell from hot bar group 2 -> move to 3 different way points. Your input would be: Click potion -> click AoE spell -> click targeted spell to initiate AND shift-click on target to cast -> shift click on 3 way points -> unpause 11. You can add to your current queue after unpausing and pausing, although I'm not entirely sure the order or where thing are placed into the queue. ------------- It takes some practice and is a little confusing, and I probably missed some rules, but I hope this helps those interested in advanced gameplay. To easily test just quicksave then mess around, quickload, and repeat as desired.
  5. Single bump! (Posted this last night, may have not been seen much)
  6. I experimented for an hour trying to add custom vocals to the game. I have been able to replace a dialog vocal file (OGG) with my own. What I have not been able to do is add a vocal file to dialog that has no vocals. Ultimately I just want to add vocals to conversations where there are none, I don't want to replace the existing ones. One could easily write a program to extract all conversation texts from the XML files and pass them through a quality Text2Speech program to make suitable audio to voice most the game that isn't voiced. The two dialogs I have been working with are the first two upon starting the game: Not voiced (Dialog #ID 1): Caravan Master Odema: The caravan master finishes addressing the group, his bushy red mustache and sagging jowls quivering as if for emphasis. PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\localized\en\text\conversations\07_gilded_vale\07_cv_odema.stringtable <Entry> <ID>1</ID> <DefaultText>The caravan master finishes addressing the group, his bushy red mustache and sagging jowls quivering as if for emphasis.</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> - Voiced (Dialog ID #48): Caravan Master Odema: "Everybody stays close to the wagons, got it? Stay outta the woods, and Beasts take you if you were planning a stroll through those ruins up there." He nods toward a looming black mass on the hillside. PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\localized\en\text\conversations\07_gilded_vale\07_cv_odema.stringtable <Entry> <ID>48</ID> <DefaultText>"Everybody stays close to the wagons, got it? Stay outta the woods, and Beasts take you if you were planning a stroll through those ruins up there." He nods toward a looming black mass on the hillside.</DefaultText> <FemaleText /> </Entry> - The corresponding XML files for each dialog are posted above. Their corresponding audio files are located here, respectively: PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\audio\vocalization\vo wav files\caravan master odema\07_cv_odema_0001.ogg PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\audio\vocalization\vo wav files\caravan master odema\07_cv_odema_0048.ogg By replacing 07_cv_odema_0048.ogg with a custom ogg, I was easily able to replace the dialog spoken during conversation #48 ("Everybody stays close.."). However, I was not able to get 07_cv_odema_0001.ogg to be spoken ("The caravan master finishes addressing.."). Is this because it's narration? Is it hardcoded not to be spoken even if the OGG audio file exists? I made sure the OGG files were encoded like the others (32000Hz, 120Kbps, Stereo). I also tried editing 07_cv_odema.stringtable and put the dialog in quotes to see if that would get it spoken, but that didn't work. (It did, as expected, put quotes around that text in-game) Next I opened up the XML file PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\conversations\07_gilded_vale\07_cv_odema.conversation This file holds the conversations map for Caravan Master Odema and associated metadata. I'm not going to post it as the file is quite large, but I identified the XML nodes for unspoken dialog ID #1 ("The caravan master finishes addressing..") and spoken dialog ID #48 ("Everybody stays close.."), and the only real difference between the two were dialog ID #1 has <Persistence>OnceEver</Persistence> and dialog ID #48 has <Persistence>None</Persistence>. I adjusted this value but it didn't make a difference to get dialog ID #1 voiced. There are also some Voice Over properties like <VoiceType />, <VOFilename />, and others.. but I'm not seeing those properties used as they seem to be blank overall. ---------- So yea, that's the extent to my experimentation. I've kind of hit a wall trying to get non-voiced dialog voiced. Anyone have their own findings or have a solution to the above?
  7. 'm unable to get Nvidia DSR working at 5120x3200 (2x 1600p). DSR is handy for removing aliasing, and I expect it to run wonderfully on this game since the game has low performance requirements. For some reason it's not applying at all though, and I'm not sure if it's the game or a driver issue. My graphics card is a GTX 980 using the latest Nvidia drivers (347.88 - WHQL). The way I confirm DSR is working, other than visual inspection for jaggies, is taking a screenshot in-game, then viewing the dimensions of that screenshot and confirming they match your DSR resolution. My screenshots are 2560x1600 still but the in-game resolution under Graphic Options is set to 5120x3200. Just curious if it's working for anyone, I could have driver issues.
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