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Everything posted by mastone

  1. hello mothman, first of all thanks for reading my post (i can only hope that some bigshot developer is going to read it to so that they don't make an exact copie of the first two games) what do you mean by customizing your character ? cause i'm not sure i understand what you mean do you mean development in alignment, feats, powers or skill? and i agree throwing in some romance would soften the game a little bit
  2. hello, i don't know if this idea has been mentioned before, but heregoes; 5 years after what happened in kotor2 the jedi order is rebuilding itself, on coruscant some yoda like jedi master senses a great disturbance in the force and orders two jedi knights (could be characters from the previous games) to investigate this. Then you see a samesort of intro of a sithlord on korriban who senses great power and orders his apprentice to retrieve this powerful sentient.. next thing that happens is the two jedi's arrive ad the planet and to their great suprise they discover that the great disturbance is a six year old boy. in a dialoque they try to convince his parents to give the boy to yhe order so he can be trained in the ways of the jedi, this will not work so the two jedi leave, but as they turn around they see a sith standing before them. because of the suprise one of the jedi is slain immediately the other is pushed on the ground. Now a dialoque screen appears in which you (the player) decide to kill the jedi by dropping a large object(swoopbike?) on him or to forcepush the sith away so that the jedi recovers himself and kill the sith in a duel. if you chose sith ; your parents get killed on the spot by force choke and you are taken to korriban where you will begin your training as sith apprentice after a series of sith missions a cutscene appears in which you will become about 20 years of age and you are granted the rank of sith marauder again some events take place in which you will probably kill your master (the one that killed your parents) and destroy the jedi order and the republic again a cutscene appears in which you are becoming 30 years of age and becoming sith lord it also shows you leaving to the unknown regions to fight and kill the only ones whom could devy your power: revan and the exile. after a series of missions you will confront them and discover that there is a sith armada waiting to invade republic space(luckely you already irradicated most of the jedi order and the republic so an invasion would be alot easier) In the end sequence it shows you winning this invasion and becoming emperor. if you chose jedi the same principals of progress will apply only your parents still live and you will be named jedi knight and at last jedi master instead and strengthening the order and the republic so the upcoming invasion can be thwarted. and instead of going to the unknown region in search of power you will go to explore the threat. ADD ON; - more and different non playable characters(in the first 2 games everybody looked and talked the same) - far better graphics - scripts and clipping faults eradicated; on dantooine in both games movement and sound are really crap - the physics of the game have to be dealt with for instance when hanharr picked up mira on malachor he took her above the head while she crabbed her troath. -a satisfying endsequence - learn force and lightsaber - techniques by jedimasters/sithlords and sith/jedi holocrons instead of in a menu -choose the appearance of your lightsaber -there will be jedi/sith -weaponmasters scatered around the galaxy who have the ability to polish the crystals of your lightsaber and upgrading your other melee,ranged or armour equipment after completing sidequests for them -no more spike or repair parts ; you or one of your companions skill in computer or repair determines if you succeed in a certain action -lightsidepoints or darkside points are not so easily gained in this game for example when you Are jedi you begin as a padawan after a series of missions in which you gained your ls points and exp. the game asks you if you want to become a jedi knight and so on.note; if you have more ds points you become a marauder and you will flee to korriban thanks for reading this idea and sorry it was so long :">
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