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Everything posted by Claw

  1. From the music patch README ... "This asset patch is supplied for use AS IS and is not officially supported by LucasArts or Obsidian Entertainment. LucasArts and Obsidian Entertainment will not offer customer support in the install- ation or application of these assets and are not responsible for any problems which may arise from their use. Although we have tested these assets, they are offered AS IS. Use this patch AT YOUR OWN RISK." Not something I'd expect from an officially-supported game ... but oh well ... at least they did it - six months after I bought the game.
  2. Well ... on my second play-through I was paying a bit more attention to the dialogue ... and in conversations with the lost jedi masters, they all expressed surprise that Atris was alive though Katarr was destroyed - perhaps they expected her to be there? It made me wonder if this was the setup to get Atris to become Traya ... or if there was something else there ... maybe she found out about the attack? Learned it from the Sith Holocrons, or possibly willingly or unwillingly contributed to it? She likely had known that the Jedi were gathering there ... What do you think?
  3. The dialog branch that triggers the "lesson" can only call two scripts in the engine. It calls the first one to increase force points by 6, and the second one to record that the lesson was taken (or something like that), but it does not have any logic to affect the skill points. I created a patch to properly do this, increasing both weakest and strongest skill by 2 points (2 pts was my guess) and I'll post it if anyone is interested ... but its such a minor thing, should probably just ignore it ...
  4. Hope this is not a spoiler - as this is first 5 minutes into the game. I started playing it second time, under highest difficulty level. When the game switched to T3, I picked up 3 sonic mines, but could not set them to continue the plot! T3's initial demolition skill was too low! After I lowered difficulty setting to Normal I was able to set the mines and continue. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
  5. Revan ... 'cause at the end , he got Bastila (at least in K1) ... but I do think Sidius/Palpatine was the best. I'd rate Sith Lord by his accomplishment - and Sidius accomplished alot ...
  6. To add to what others said ... when 3 lightsabers appeared I did not fight them! I just went after Traya ... seemed faster and did not have to fight as long. Force immunity / master speed / master flurry was a must ... made the fight easy ... too easy actually ... it was harder fighting Malak for me on the first play-through ...
  7. I go with two sabers - first cause I can't decide which color to use (silver or viridian, so I use both) ... and because I can have more interesting combinations of crystal addons. I was playing as Sentinel / Jedi Master ... and my goal was to boost my Wisdom as much as possible ... each of my sabers had a crystal that increased it (pet crystal in one, and some other crystal in the other) ... in addition to a boost to other stats. With just two crystal slots, and with the pet crystal, there is only one extra that I can put in ... not as much fun. The staff does look better in a fight, especially after seeing Bastila use it in K1
  8. What I would like to see is an ability to turn off the 'DS / LS Points Gained' message ... this way I'd just play using my own style - and would be curious to see how the character will end up - it would of course make it harder to achieve mastery ... but when an LS/DS choice specified right after the dialog is over, we can cheat and reload prior game (if we really wanted to) ... from a psychology study this would be interesting . Of course I'd like an option to enable the announcement as well ...
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