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About ryan2489

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. im sorry i can't let this continue. Halo 1 and 2 are wonderful games best games on xbox hands down. halo is not overated, it has lived up to it's hype now if i can find a fault in the halo franchise so far it would be halo 2's ending. Maybe that's me just being impatient and anxious for halo 3 news.
  2. ok what is kreia a sith or jedi or is she a combination of both(Grey Jedi)???
  3. yes i found this site very enjoyable and it explains the force and the kotor games quite well. I didn't know about the thought bomb (is it true)? woudn't that be a cool power in kotor 3? i wonder how it would work? anyway read the part on the sith and the jedi very cool.
  4. I am interested in game testing and i was wondering what skills,requiements etc... you need to have to get hired for that particular type of job. thanks for any info you can give me.
  5. That whole punctuation thing is kinda old. You killed it, let it go.
  6. thats a good explanation.
  7. No man and my grammer has nothing to do with the topic and you knew what i meant when i typed wright.
  8. and punctuate better.
  9. im sorry i will make sure from now on i will wright you from now on.
  10. if u ever wanted to find out what the sith,jedi,force are all about i recommend goign to en.wikipedia.org go to search and type in any thing from lightsabers to any kotor character. you will get detailed bios and info about sith and jedi philosophies to how lightsabers are built (exactly) you can find every kotor character in there also from darth revan to saul karath. true fans of kotor and star wars will enjoy this site.
  11. where could you get a free trail?
  12. i had a question about the lost jedi. how are atton and company the lost jedi when they were never jedi in the first place until you train them. also how does bao dur become evil.
  13. y woudn't you recommend it besides paying for it every month?
  14. i was wondering if any of u who have played galaxies would recommend it. and if u need to purchase additional stuff to get it running on my computer.
  15. no i don't believe so.
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