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Everything posted by antema

  1. Here's a simple guide to get a helmet for your Godlike character. You need to have the ability to change your race. To do this, you'll need either the paid Cheat Happens trainer or a free Cheat Engine table for Pillars of Eternity. Google is your friend. As far as I know, console commands can't change race, but if they can then that should work as well. Step 1: Get the trainer or Cheat Engine working. Step 2: Change your race to any non-godlike race. This will not change your appearance, but it will unlock the helmet slot. Step 3: Equip any helmet. Step 4: Change your race back to your original Godlike race. The helmet slot will be locked out, but you are still wearing the hat, and gain all it's bonuses. Please Note: Parts of the Godlike head is actually "hair", so most hats and helmets remove those excotic parts. Horns are always part of the head, and remain visible. Thankfully the Death Godlike growths are part of the "hair". Death Godlikes have red eyes and it seems that their faces are complete, even though we were never meant to see them. Ears on the other hand are incorrectly flesh colored. Flavor text: Fire Godlikes will always have horns poking out from the helmet, but that doesn't bother me. I think my elf bodied female Fire Godlike looks rather cute in that hood. And if your worried about going against the established lore, you could imagine that the hood on your Fire Godlike is made from fire retardant cloth, and that there are holes for the horns to stick out. Originally I wanted to play a human looking Death Godlike, and created a human character and then changed my race and added the Death Godlike ability, and this seemed to work. Unfortunately, since leveling your character is a variation of the chracter creation, it automatically changes your appearance to the correct race. I think you could circumvent this by always changing your race back to human before leveling your character, to keep your human appearance, and afterwards change back to Godlike. Why Would You Do This: Quite frankly, most of the Godlike heads are not pleasant to look at. Compare that rather attractive female Fire Godlike portrait to the actual heads, and you'll see the point that quite many have made. Or maybe you'd like to get the helmet bonuses, for gameplay purposes. Anyway, this is basically cheating. Sometimes, mods just aren't the answer.
  2. Thanks to everyone. It's good to hear that there's some RPG effect on chosen class. Now the question that I have to answer myself is, which class to choose. Probably cipher, priest or wizard.
  3. Short version: Does class have an effect on interactions? Will my character be recognized for the Wizard/Priest/Barbarian he/she is? Long version: I hate classless RPG systems. PoE has a strong class system, which is very good. Now if my character's class has an impact on the story telling, that would be even better. My favorite RPG is Gothic 2, in that game you will have to join 1 of 3 factions: Paladin, Mercenary or Fire Mage (priest). Depending on the faction chosen the whole game changes, sometimes in small ways, other times in a rather important ways. Classless RPG system is the most unrealistic and roleplayingly weakest system any RPG can have. In real life (depending on the culture you hail from) your chosen proffession may have an even greater effect on you social standing (the interactions people will have with you) than your gender, wealth, physical attributes or mental attributes. On the RPG side of things, classless system is only good for action, nothing else. Sure those games advertise that you can be anything you want, but only on the actions side. On the RPG side, you are nothing, not a great warrior, a powerfull wizard nor a divinely chosen priest. You Are Absolutely Nothing.
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