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About ingridcold

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I hate obsidian and LA, i bought the most expensive piece-of-crap ever. they will release kotor2: sith lords directors cut in next year.
  2. i couldnt install it, maybe because my IN with droid whas too low, dunno.
  3. dam* i will need to pray that he will allow me to install this in telos assault time, because i dont know if game have for me some "free ebon hawk exploration" left...
  4. but how to install it , i dont get this option from hk-47 , do you mean that you must wait with repairing of the droid until you get dantoine and onderon situation solved and rodian female can sold it actually to you?
  5. but cant you do something with this pacyfist , some sort of interaction with hk-47??
  6. 1.hi all. I found out that even after you completed hk-47 you can find 2 parts for him. One on dantoine and other(pacifist smh) on nar shadaa from rodian female after completing her optional quest. Is there any means to install that prat or what can else we do with it. 2. If you talk to mandalorian merks on dantoine and telos they will join dxun clans . is there anything you acuire from this or is this just another unfinished part of game?
  7. well, another merchant gone, good that rodian female on nar shadaa after dantoine have some nice equipments...
  8. What are you talking about, movies in kotor1 were exellent. The ones in kotor2 , especially merks attack on dantoine, kreia fall and visas introduction are lousy. Theyre look like some poor quality trailers donwloaded from the outher rim of internet and theyre officail movies in full legal version :|
  9. Well guys, I play first time in kotor2 and had enought of this game already.And I completed only nar shadaa and dantooine. Is it normal for dantoine to ending in such a way when youre LS. A stupid battle with merks fightin merks and after everything you cant find rodian merchant anywhere, you cant get to private chambers and all salvagers dont remember that something ever happened. Still there is another unfinished quest "Redemption" like this "nar shadaa hutt" quest. Is it normal ??
  10. Are there any problems with kotor2 when using geforce 6600 128mb PCI ?? Its important... sorry for bad english...
  11. Sorry, in such a topic was(or is) here before (if so, please give me a link to it). I have a anoying problem with the game and maybe you know solution to it. When I exit my game and load it again all my party members(besides exile) in first squad have degraded their force side affection(i play right now as LS so i dont know if this bug is in DS also) to their default values. Is there a solution to this? Ive have kotor2 patched to 1.0b version . please help!
  12. what kind of motherboard you have? such problems occur on very poor quality MBs :">
  13. kotor2 needs directX 9.0c
  14. its good, they could worked on it by 2 months now and will release it in 2 weeks.
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