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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. That's why I go with dueling most of the time. I let my cousin play sometimes(he's 7) and let him start his own file. I love to watch him dump everything into strength and then but all his skill points in demolitions. And then get mad when he says he didn't tell Atton to shoot anyone but he did it anyway.

  2. There is so much that I can say I'm not happy about in this picture, but I did promise you guys something.


    Basically, it's a battle weary Bastila, (which is why her hair is how it is).

    I understand that she needs plently of work, before she looks anywhee near battle weary.

    it doesn't even look like her. I'm absolutely no good at drawing the likenesses of people (unless they are anime, but KOTOR isn't anime is it).


    I'm not sure when I have this finsihed, because right now, I'm waiting for some new skin tone colouring pencils. I'll finsih this when I get those colouring pencils.


    Very good job, and it does look like Bastila..I noticed it was her before I read the rest of your post.

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