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Posts posted by Krookie

  1. I actually didn't see the huge plot twist in K1 coming.  :rolleyes:


    You must be the only one. You don't pick up on clues very easily, do you? :-"



    What are you talking about?  A lot of people didn't see it coming.  And I'm talking about both here and on Bioware AND on other forums.  Pardon me if I don't share in your infinite wisdom, oh stoned yoda.  :)  But please, if you're going to attempt to bring me down, then do so with a statement you can actually back up.  Otherwise, back off. 


    Mostly that was because I didn't pay much attention to dialouge in the game.  I was someone who just skimmed it over and skipped through a lot to get back to playing.


    You guys sound like a bunch of girlies! No offense to any girls on the site.

  2. Not really, considering I play about 6 hours a day which may not be alot to u guys but is alot to my mom.

    6 hours a day!?...you don't get out much do you? I play for an hour at the most. You do have atleast one window in your room right?

    Six hours is nothing - I can play for twice that (I rarely do, though).


    Chinese government plans 3-hour limit for online gaming


    Whatever will they do with the free hours? Oh, right, they'll play off-line games instead. ;)


    I've never played for more than an hour and a half.

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