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Snipergoat UK

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About Snipergoat UK

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. The Sex Pistols - - Problems
  2. My Gameplay suggestions : No random Items (Finding stims, parts and medpacs over and over is boring). Have more interesting and rare items that are diffucult to get and have special abilites and a bit of history about them. Have different animations for each of the different lightsaber forms Less loading times. or at least design the levels around having few loading times (lol, Telos is sooo bad for that). I want to upgrade the Ebon Hawk (or whatever ship ive got) and have more space battles (these are actually good now that the lasers hit the other ships). Fully Customizable "PC" .. like Skin Colour, Hair, beard, eyes etc.... I dont want to fight constant wave after wave of animals and beasts like in KotOR II, It feels lazy and careless design doing this. I dont want to visit planets that ive already been to in KoToR I and II. A really dramatic ending would be good. E.g In KotOR I , It has the epic space battle, the fight inside space station and the 1 on 1 lightsaber dual. I want that in KotOR III I want to play this Dejarik game
  3. Do not have Revan or the Exile as playable characters please !!! Running into them or hearing what happened to them would be good, but i dont want to play as either of them . I already know their characters and personallities etc.. I want a completely different party this time .. with the exception of maybe T3 - M4 . because there always has to be a droid so it might as well be him
  4. Because its a planet full of ice with no living things on it and theres no way I want tatooine or kashyyyk again. they were good, but theyve been done
  5. OK. I havent read the whole thread, so sorry if this has been mentioned. PLEASE. Do not have the random item generator. I went through the game 2 times without finding ANY Jedi Padawan or Master robes !!!!! AArgghhh. All I had was some red robes ! I dont want red or greenrobes. just plain old brown ones.
  6. Sith Master, check your PM's
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