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Everything posted by CheapHotel

  1. Any printed maps? Any feelies? Will the soundtrack be available on cassette?
  2. Shenmue 3 or Panzer Dragoon RPG 2. It'll be like that sheer bewilderment when Duke Nukem Forever was released, all over again, but vaguely RPG related. With added SEGA - because that just makes the unlikely even more unlikely to happen.
  3. Estimated response time to email: now only 87 days!

  4. Responded to an email from 22 August (Pillars of Eternity Kickstarter) and signed up for the forums. Email: Less than a second to deliver, 87 days 'til I'll read it.
  5. I've a taste for turn based games and no taste for FPSs so I use a wireless trackball - a Logitech M570. To say I'm pleased with it would be an understatement, I'm considering buying a second simply so I don't have to use anyone else's mouse. Helps prevent RSI too.
  6. Perhaps this sounds odd, but I refuse to buy a game on a console if I can't have a physical copy, and I refuse to buy a game on PC if I can ONLY buy a physical copy. Since backward compatibility and legacy support on consoles is, to be mild, questionable and patchy in recent generations I demand a physical copy for my money. Conversely on PC if a game is laborious to install and configure the chances of me playing it plummet making it a waste of money (as opposed to just playing something on Steam where the latest patches are installed). As for tablet games or on iPhone, I don't own either. Android gaming doesn't appeal to me as much as spending the same time reading on a Kindle. I still buy physical books, if I enjoy one enough or think its worth having on hand at all time for reference, I'll possibly buy an ebook copy. So, yeah, physical or digital content can be a dealbreaker for me depending on context.
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