Hi Boeroer, thanks!
Yeah, I had read (from your posts ) about sabers being good. I vaguely remember way back when, that one of the things I most liked about PoE was that they really wanted to make DW useful. In most other games is something you know will make you pretty suboptimal compared to board and blade or 2H, if you want to DW 1H weapons, unless you're going daggers which I don't really like.
I really only considered two "sword type" weapons, any other 2 combo looks dumb imho , well, axes is not bad though ... for a dwarven fighter. Although since you mention it, I'll try to get warhammers or clubs as backup for those slash immune enemies. I won't mind having to use a hammer and board for some specific fights if need be.
Yep, I don't mind being squishier in the early game. I know I'll have to micro my character a bit more than if I was making a paladin or a ranger (that either go first or remain in the back), but I don't mind it. I was also thinking of opening with a range weapon while my tank goes in, to then go flank afterwards. At least in the early game. In that regard, do you have a recommended party composition? which companions would be best for a cipher of this type? In the end I normally use the companions I like lore wise that I think make sense for how I RP my character but it would be good to know what would be the most synergizing party comp. Same reason why I plan on doing a human or elf, orlans, godlikes and aumuas look godawful ugly to me)
Yeah, that's another thing I've seen repeated for ciphers, about Mental Binding being really good, although not knowing anything about the game, it doesn't mean much to me... yet
Haha, I'll use armor indeed. Are ciphers limited to light/medium armor or can they use plate? (is it even recommended for them to use plate?) since they are psyonichs and not mages I'm not really sure how that works or if it goes against dual wielding (than in most games tends to be based on DEX)
In that vein... I wouldn't ask for a complete per level build since that is too much to ask. But could you help me with initial stat distribution, what to raise from then on, which talents/skills are important, etc? even a general idea would be wonderful since, as I said, for every intent and purpose, I know nothing about the game and how it works (like I wouldn't know how much is too much or too little resolve, con, etc). If I manage to understand it could be a new build up in the list since the ones that are there are pretty outdated (and there's no DW build I think)
Wise words my friend, wise words indeed