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Everything posted by Weaponmaster303

  1. No I mean revan.Revan decides to return not the exile atleast in my opinion hes fought longer so he would be more likely to return.
  2. the exile was never a padawan under atris so thats wrong. No the exile is way older than revan.from what ive heard revan is young and ive also heard it from some of the people on bioware boards though. I need to check out a safe timeline but cant find one. Plus didnt anakin turn knight like around 19-23 or something.Look heres why I believe revan is younger than exile and about in his 20's. First about the exile being older,he was looked up to by atris,loved by atris,and respected by atris.Atris never trained him like the chronicles say he was never trained by atris and also atris never had a padawan. Second Revan is in his late twenties when kotor 2 rolls around.Like ive stated bastila,revan,and malak were all still young knights .Also chronicles says revan was a master he never accomplished to reach master. Revan was a young and headstrong jedi willing to wage war not an old looser like kavar preaching patience.This difference in character also leads me to believe that revan is some years younger than the exile and still in his twenties. But those are just my opinions and not facts.Thats why i believe kotor never tells you when revan was brought in or born to let u make your things up. Question didnt revan only fight in the mandalorian wars for the last 5 years?REad that somewhere in k1.
  3. Then I thought maybe before the whole fight some dialogues would be necessary so you could decide if bastila as alive or if your previous actions were dark or light and that would affect the game sorta like the atton dialogues. Revan could be entering republic space after a battle with the true sith he crashes and is helped by some character.Revan as soon as he heals starts asking what has happened in the last years or blah. the other character would be like "revan joined the ds and killed his friends and companions" in which you would answer revan did no such thing but whatever im getting off topic. I like the epic fight with redemption.
  4. Forget the whole level thing if there were caps revan would win.He is the heart of the force and you guys should notice that the exile can only form bonds with people who still have an echo within lol. I believe revan would win compare their level 20 stats and even though revan is barely a jedi guardian without any of his knowledge he still is pretty close to the exile. I wont say much because somebody will come and burn me cuz i said revan could beat exile. I agree with the fighting thing yeti.Maybe Revan is returnin to known space when he encounters an exile who has fallen to the power of the true sith they fight and revan barely overcomes the power of the exile but in the end he is able to win and return the exile to light or something like that.
  5. interesting guys but i agree with both sides no matter how strong you are in the force you have to be a great strategist just ask canderous how revan fought. Revan is maybe a little older than bastila but not in his 30's thats more like exile.Revan is just a talented individual as was anaking in the clone wars.
  6. I agree about the exile's age but revan was young not 30 something. Revan is bastila's age going by the timeline. Nobody is going to be 30 and still be a padawan unless you are a really bad jedi which revan wasnt.Revan was young when he went to war look at the kotor site and look what it says about malak he was a young headstrong jedi who went to war during the mandalorian wars.
  7. somebody should take pics of these robs for the ones who cant cheat.
  8. Im gonna tell you something which i hope happens just let the player choose through the beginning dialogues.
  9. Going by the k1 timeline yes they are true,its not hard to believe hes a respected knight by that age look at anaking hes already a war hero and on the council as a knight so no hes not really old about 25-28 ADD ON:He wasnt even close to being a master yet he was still being trained by master kae before she left for the wars so there goes the whole master thing.He was at the same training as bastila meaning same age while the exile was already a master a hero to atris all she wanted to be.
  10. All the big three in k1 bastila,malak,and revan are the same age.Exile is as old as atris the non padawan teaching master. Nothing is known about k3 though so dont believe anything people
  11. Dont insult bastila lol.Ofcourse u r right though about her scatter brain.I think canderous put it good works"What would the jedi princess want or somethin like that lol
  12. Yea exactly what was said and canderous could have been fightin in the war for 40 years. Mira says she was used as a scout so why couldnt canderous be a scout/warrior then slowly turn pure warrior as he got older.
  13. He was just a very talented knight who could lead but revan never had a padawan. Revan and malak were both young knights in training. Revan is not as old as the exile but more so around bastilas age.Remember malak and revan were in training when bastila was in training as well.
  14. No the game isnt frozen but there all their just standing around.
  15. Something weird happened to me on nar shadaa the twin suns are standing outside the cantina,hanhar is to, and mira is next to my ship. Is this game ending or something
  16. I dont believe revan is the older one. I believe the exile is older due to him trainin a padawan but who knows. I still believe revan wont be easily twisted hes already walked the darkest places in the universe and was tempted by ds bastila yet like kreia says he was always true to himself even when bastila says all his memories were returning to him.
  17. Maybe the glitch will also work for handmaiden and she will profess her love for my ls female exile runs to xbox lol jk. Seriously weird glitch man.
  18. But what about revan is he younger than the exile.He probably is right so would he be around bastila's age or something. I dont believe jolee is dead hopefully he isnt he was so edgy and cool.
  19. I never saw there ages except for carth who was 38 and now is bout 43.
  20. When playing k1 and k2 I keep wondering what the age of the characters is not the obvious ones but more of the exile,atris,revan, and bastila. I mean I keep hearing 2 young jedi knights revan and malik and so i believed revan would be around his mid 20s right cuz it be kinda nasty for an old geezer to romance bastila. What about the exile though late thirties or what any opinions.
  21. higher levels the better the robes its a pain really
  22. its 3 times to get him into jedi guardian mode 1.telos academy 2.Find sensors let him check them(8AWA) 3.Tell dude about findin surprise in sensors,he offers 5,000 you decline and say 3,000 bao will comment and say thats why i follow you general. 2 and 3 are on dantooine and just keep talkn to him sooner or later he will say you are an influence on him.
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