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About Rhaegar83

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. And that's the end of the pros for the paladin. I do agree with him that they are ok as off tanks, to provide a passive buff and stand there and not die. I like to use an npc paladin as a 2nd tank to go with eder (at least early game). She provides a DR aura for him, and functions as a nice second meat shield that I can mostly ignore, as there aren't really any abilities that warrant using regularly.
  2. That would make tanks too op, accuracy is too good to tie to an attribute I think constitution would work better with a small flat per level number like classic d and d instead of a %. As long as you balance the amount around how health and endurance work it would be fine and make each bonus and penalty mean something I completely agree about minimum stats. Having 20s in your main stats is by no means required and letting people dump things to 3 is just silly
  3. Trying to decide between a few options for a pc (on hard). I've tried a few classes and nothing has stuck so far. I tried a tank paladin and found I never really had to do much so I felt like I wasn't even playing my pc. Wizard was kind of the same, because I wasn't casting spells every fight (I also like aloth in the party) I generally grab aloth and Eder right away and make myself an npc paladin tank to hold me over till Palegina. Grab durance, and then my pc and a floater spot. Don't really like the other npcs but I plan to use that 6th slot to so their quests I really like having a rogue in the party for the dps and I often run an npc one when I'm not using that party slot to do npc quests. It's fun and I miss it when I bench her. So I think I want to play a dps of some sort, so I can just fill that role myself. I don't want to completely glass Cannon myself and I still want some abilities while still being able to just flank with my tank and wreck stuff. I was thinking maybe a rogue crit build that can do both melee and ranged (bows. I refuse refuse to use guns in a mideival rpg). I also kind of like the concept of riposte but is it viable without deflection stacking and gimping your dps? Other option is a melee cipher. I'd pretty much buff myself, flank and wreck with soul whip. I like the soul whip and feel like it's pretty much sneak attack without the requirements. I also feel like the cipher has more potential to buff his defense without gimping dps. The option to throw out some cc or damage spells is nice too. Otherwise I guess there's monk, which I know does good dps but I'm not really into. Never really liked monks in any games. And then barbarian, but I don't know a lot about it or if it will fit with my style. I want to be a big single target damage dealer. The carnage ability isn't really what I want to focus on. Any ideas?
  4. Best guess is he got hit with something like a stiletto that has a -5DR property. 13-5 = 8
  5. What are the usual cutoffs for dialogue options? like 15 or so? or does it demand 17+ a lot?
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