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Everything posted by Jayque

  1. I have had this idea building in my head, so I finally figured I would write it and throw it out there to the masses and get it off my chest. KoToR: Online ... ok so maybe that is not enough off the chest so here is the deal. Xbox live has lacked a MMORPG for far too long. And what better fit than one of the systems greatest franchises? And for the PC players out there why not make it usable by both? It was made workable by Sony in FFXI to mix console and PC playing so why not Microsoft? Again, I say the idea is long overdue. Not just because of the Xbox's current lack of online RPG type games, but timing as well. SOE has been ticking off it's subscribers for years now, especially with SWG (in which they just massively changed the combat system destroying half of the communities gameplay) There is also an entire debate on the timeline and use of jedi. Half the community thinks Jedi shouldn't be playable, the other half is upset they have to spend a year before they can finally play one. Again not important stuff to the idea, but demonstrates a need for this game. (if you can't understand how so I will go in more detail if needed) Sooooo ... back to the idea. Set during the time of the KoToR series you take the game engine and expand it. The current system in solo games requires the obstacle accomplishment of certain tasks to progress the story. Well keep this feature but make them more like the current sub-plot optional tasks. Fill the galaxy with em. These would be the "quests" available for online content. Character selection would need some tweaking. I mean not everyone will want to play a jedi. So perhaps your starting options are as a Padawan either consular, guardian, or sentinel. Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, and whatever else people come up with ... The game engine should contain as much from the current series as possible, including item cutomization. The variety in skill sets (demolition etc) could prove interesting in group missions/raids. And with the additional LS colors introduce in KoToR II there should be plenty of variety in the myriad of Jedi that would be running around. You set the story as a rebuilding of Jedi after the exile leaves ... so lots of young padawan recruits ... this is the rough concept ... I have a much more detailed version in my head but since it will never become reality, I just figured I would shoot this out for other to comment on.
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