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Everything posted by spacemonkey

  1. Vogga the Hutt: "I don't suppose you have a Tic Tac?" Jorran: "Moisture Vaporators? I dunno, but hey, you wanna buy some weed?" Exile: "So...Hanharr...uh...is that French? Uh, no, I...I guess it wouldn't be."
  2. You could also try checking out the color of the sabers you pick up off of corpses and fallen enemies. Take them to a workbench, go to the update item screen, and just see what color it is. Every once in a while, you end up with a saber that has a rare color. That's how I usually find bronze, and it's been in pretty much every playthrough I've done.
  3. Every once in a while when you kill a saberwielding foe or find one on a corpse, run to the nearest workbench and check out it's color-crystal. Every once in a while you'll find a bronze, at least that's been my experience. It's tough to notice the difference between a bronze/yellow, cyan/blue, viridian/green from the saber alone, so you'll have to go into the Upgrade Item screen and actually check on the color. The whole thing is pointless, really. I hardly notice a difference with the colors, and I can't determine a logical reason as to WHY they have bronze, cyan, viridian, and even orange. Silver's actually pretty interesting, and bright. I've never seen gold. I didn't realize that one existed. When will they start mixing and matching colors? Why not plaid? Checkered flag? Blinking Christmas lights? How about tye-dye?
  4. but force lightning is a must!but like u said only mandalorian combat training instead of echani. :cool: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Meh. I've never been a fan of Force Lightning. I'm sure it's fun at parties, but what could be more satisfying than choking a guy from across the room? And Mandalorians can't fight unarmed the way the Echani do. I really think that.... ...wait ...what am I talking about ...it's not even real.
  5. Fun topic. I was always a fan of orange and violet. Orange, because it wasn't REALLY a DS color since it had a tinge of Yellow (My LS color of choice). And I dig violet because it's a perfect combo of blue and red; therefore the true color of the Grey Jedi. But, I'd go with two orange sabers. One standard single hilt, and one short saber which I'd hide on the back of my belt under my robes for a quick surprise. Black robes are my favorite, LS or DS. Doesn't matter for me. I'd probably do things my way anyhow. Never seen a Jedi bounty hunter before. I'd like to be the first. Powers: Destroy Droid, Choke, Master Heal, Master Jump A little Echani training wouldn't hurt either.
  6. If the next installment is only on 360 and not available on the original Xbox, I may have to go postal, AK style. I do NOT want to have to buy a new, expensive flippin' console just to play a game who's predecessors have taken up so much of my valuable time. And it should have partial nudity...
  7. I got Nomi Sunrider's armband once. Nothing major. I think I gave it to one of my shipmates, or probably just broke it down for componants. For some reason or another, that Hssiss trick doesn't work for me. Perhaps it's because I play on Xbox and not PC? Speaking of PC games (because I'm hoping to get a nice one at some point), has anyone played the SW Galaxies game and it's upgrade? Is it everything everyone says it is? Is it addictively amazing? Points of interest: We can have implants, but why can't we get cybernetic body parts ala Darth Vader and Malak? It's only fitting that, when we take a character down the Dark path that they eventually fall apart and reconstruct their bodies with cool stuff. Why can't they have interesting Easter egg finds? Like some Star Forge robes, Cassus Fett's helmet, or Bindo's goatee? I did find Freyyr's Warsword once. THAT was pretty cool.
  8. Ahh...bending rules is fun. Because I made sure I was a neutral jedi before I started the Nar Shaadaa quests. For some reason, when you're gray, you get Mira.
  9. Ok. So, I'm at my local Gamestop and I'm leafing through one of the remaining KOTOR2 strategy guides just to see what it has. I've already finished the game multiple times, I just wanted to see if I was missing out on anything. I noticed in the list of findable items that Malak's lightsaber was a possible find somewhere. Like I said, I've played the game multiple times, yet I've never come across Malak's saber, and I was wondering if anybody had. It would be a moot point to ask where due to the radom item generator...in fact, I probably just answered my own question. Although, if someone HAS found it, a little bit of "Dude! It friggin' ROCKS!" would be appreciated.
  10. Alright, so here's my problem. I'm having lots of trouble getting my characters to follow with me as a Dark Jedi. Atton is no trouble because he's quite willing to go either way, even though his tweening towards the Dark Side makes his desire to become Dark a bit easier. I turned Bao Dur and Handmaiden as well, but I don't use Bao Dur ever in the game, so it doesn't really matter. He's a wuss. Handmaiden is dark, but I have trouble KEEPING her dark. Even though she's on the path to a Dark Guardian, she still whines and preaches whenever I do something evil in her presense. I'm also having a monster of a time trying to turn Mira. I was under the impression that after so many "Influence Lost" moments, they would start to turn down the Dark path. I think this is wrong. I see no way to turn someone unless you Gain influence; this is frustrating because I want to turn Mira towards the Dark Side, yet in order to gain her trust to teach her, I must perform Light Side acts in her presense. All I want is my little army of Sith, but this game is preventing me from achieving that. Also, a little sidenote. For the Wanted Criminals sidequest on Telos, I've found the criminals hiding in the Czerka office, and I watched them run away. I also found out for a fact that they're hiding out in the Restoration Zone. But where?! I can't find them anywhere. Has anybody found them? And, has anybody been able to get through that door in the Restoration Zone bunker which leads to the lower levels of the base? That's another thing that frustrates me with this game. There are TONS of doors that say Private Door, or something to that effect, and you can never get through them. My big boggle is with that Lower Levels door in the Restoration Zone, though. Why would Obsidian put it there if you can't actually ENTER the lower levels? Can anyone offer advice so my next game as a Dark Jedi doesn't seem so pointless and frustrating? -Spacemonkey
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