Alright, so here's my problem.
I'm having lots of trouble getting my characters to follow with me as a Dark Jedi.
Atton is no trouble because he's quite willing to go either way, even though his tweening towards the Dark Side makes his desire to become Dark a bit easier.
I turned Bao Dur and Handmaiden as well, but I don't use Bao Dur ever in the game, so it doesn't really matter. He's a wuss.
Handmaiden is dark, but I have trouble KEEPING her dark. Even though she's on the path to a Dark Guardian, she still whines and preaches whenever I do something evil in her presense.
I'm also having a monster of a time trying to turn Mira. I was under the impression that after so many "Influence Lost" moments, they would start to turn down the Dark path. I think this is wrong. I see no way to turn someone unless you Gain influence; this is frustrating because I want to turn Mira towards the Dark Side, yet in order to gain her trust to teach her, I must perform Light Side acts in her presense.
All I want is my little army of Sith, but this game is preventing me from achieving that.
Also, a little sidenote.
For the Wanted Criminals sidequest on Telos, I've found the criminals hiding in the Czerka office, and I watched them run away. I also found out for a fact that they're hiding out in the Restoration Zone. But where?! I can't find them anywhere.
Has anybody found them?
And, has anybody been able to get through that door in the Restoration Zone bunker which leads to the lower levels of the base?
That's another thing that frustrates me with this game. There are TONS of doors that say Private Door, or something to that effect, and you can never get through them. My big boggle is with that Lower Levels door in the Restoration Zone, though. Why would Obsidian put it there if you can't actually ENTER the lower levels?
Can anyone offer advice so my next game as a Dark Jedi doesn't seem so pointless and frustrating?