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About sniggy

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    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist
  1. man. i can't believe you guys pulled a matrix on us why? there's so much stuff missing at the end? or did i just plainly suck during the game? it was somehow unsatisfying. well. except the killing a certain handicapped person part. THAT was satisfying after listening to that person's whining all the time. now what? if there isn't a part 3 that deals with some of the major holes in part 2, it will have been a sad sad part 2...
  2. man. i can't believe you guys pulled a matrix on us why? there's so much stuff missing at the end? or did i just plainly suck during the game? it was somehow unsatisfying. well. except the killing a certain handicapped person part. THAT was satisfying after listening to that person's whining all the time. now what? if there isn't a part 3 that deals with some of the major holes in part 2, it will have been a sad sad part 2...
  3. man... havent been in these forums for a while. did anyone try a speed run with kotor?
  4. revans kindda dificult due to him / her not having a specific face and voice, eh? how about a machinima with kotor?
  5. canadian bacon, mon!
  6. wheee... i've been at the TIDSE2004 which is a conference on interactive storytelling (games, basically) and it's been great. there was a demo by nvidia where they showed off the capabilities of their new products. well- i'd like to see those graphics in kotor3, i can tell ya anyway, people from japan, australia, usa, uk, france, spain, germany, italy and some other nations were all discussing interactive stories and though it wasn't solely game-oriented, it still was a cool experience. i didn't know that game research has become such a hot topic by now. there were some guys working on AI that enables semi-autonomous virtual characters that more or less decide on their own what to do next. a very very simple version of that would be Majestic (the game). there was one idea that a guy from spain introduced which evolved around the game system deciding on what kind of rpg player YOU are. once it figures out your gaming style, it adapts to it. so- if you are a "butt-kicker", it started throwing more random encounters at you and would emphasize hording items and gold. if you were a "conversationalist" the game would minimize combat by reducing the amount of combat situations and by giving you more options to get around combat or talk your way out of it. it was pretty neat- but he just had a demo of a text system at that point of time. he'll be working on his during his PhD (unless he gives up first ;-)
  7. ho-hum. a corp. crime story - mixture of magic and matrix elements with a high dosage of technology. sounds interesting. should have a dark mood
  8. what is it, preciousss? what does it wants?
  9. why didn't malak get an artificial jaw? a couple of years ago, a pic from rotten.com made its way around the web- malak reminded me of that poor sod... as to replacements: i agree with hades- do something stupid, get an artificial limb. maybe one of the NPCs could have a mech. leg or something... oh and a mech. hooked hand. and a parrot. a mechanical one.
  10. I'd like to see an isometric one - a classic rpg with a party of 6 - some of them you get to generate on your own, others may join you. it should be possible to travel from planet to planet- one would have to hire ships or buy one to do that. buying or renting speeders also should be an option. i'd also like to have the main char be a non-jedi. force-users ought to be recruitable. also, have many many many aliens in the game and make a pool of them available as a character race.
  11. http://web.infoave.net/~kbcowart/ the chatterboxes (/ bots) are listed here.
  12. this whole jedi thing is overrated... http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/af/content/dark_switch
  13. alice is not using a common sense ontology. it basically reacts to keywords of the user, and can guess the topic, but it doesn't "know" the connection between different words. i've got the speech recognition part covered. still having major trouble with the speech synthesis though. as to sentence parsing: i'm not done with the ontology i have in mind yet, i still have about 5 months to go before i find out whether this works out with current technology or not.
  14. i'm working on that... (thesis + working model)
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