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Darth Coran

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Posts posted by Darth Coran

  1. I always thought the same thing,if midichlorians are in the bloodstream,why did not just clone enough midichlorians for each jedi so that you have a whole ordr of yodas...than again considering some jedi go dark this could be a problem,while on the subject of cloning and cloning midichlorians,why not just clone a grand army of the republic full of yodas?if you say,triple the amount of original yoda's midichlorians along with his same mind,just less indiviuality,than they could've stormed palpatine's ass before he could turn Anakin into Vader.

  2. I get the impression that the Mass Shadow Generator was not a last-ditch weapon but a carefully-prepared trap that Revan lured the Mandalorians into. A trap that required the bait of a lot of Republic men and women, but a trap nonetheless.




    actually I'm almost positive that it says somewhere that it was supposed to be used as a "if I'm going to hell,I'm taking you with me." type of weapon,though,considering it is after all Revan,I wouldn't say your idea is impossible.

  3. Zaalbar was kinda cool,I could live without Jolee and Juhani(though since they are jedi they can give the support only a force-wielder can give,not to mention the melee damage of their lightsabers.)though When Bao-Dur becomes Jedi he is rather cool,though I notice he uses the force storm power as many times as possible with every battle,seems he still can't get the hate of malachor completely out :ph34r: He is rather quiet but he gives a solid combat,and he's ne helluva double-bladed 'saberman,and thats all I need.


    There was nothing really wrong with Zalabar per se. I actually liked him. He's just one I see more likely to return to Kashyyyk and his tribe rather than somehow stumble into the True Sith War.


    I found Bao Dur kind of annoying, but I never really did get him to full potential. I think I expereienced a bug during my first play through where after a little while when I would talk to him the only option I ever got anymore was "Nothing. Nevermind" or something along those lines.


    Personally, I like seeing the females fighting next to me with their lightsabers blazing. After all, if I have to look at three characters, two of them might as well be nicely pixelated eye candy (particularly if wearing the Mesh dancer outfits I made which contain a decent amount of protection for reasons explained in their descriptions).




    thats not a bug,its just he has very little dialogue,but everybody is really easy to make a jedi,as male I managed to get everybody(excluding Bao-Dur and mira since I didn't have her)into a jedi before I met my first jedi master,I met disciple,went to the office of khoonda,than made him a jedi,and I had already gotten atton and Bao-Dur,but I gotta say,Using Visas and Handmaiden as jedi...it certainly is classy having an all-girl cabiret(sp?) of jedi. :) <_< :) (w00t) :D

  4. I just got a 2nd onasi blaster,the first in the belly of a cannok,the 2nd in Freedon Nad's tomb,maybe Dustil was warped to the past by a phonebooth,fell in love with Nadd,and Nadd demanded he be buried with him...alive...DUN DUN DUN,carth got eaten by a cannok,and dustil had a homosexual affair with an avaris-crazed sith lord. :ph34r:

  5. Zaalbar was kinda cool,I could live without Jolee and Juhani(though since they are jedi they can give the support only a force-wielder can give,not to mention the melee damage of their lightsabers.)though When Bao-Dur becomes Jedi he is rather cool,though I notice he uses the force storm power as many times as possible with every battle,seems he still can't get the hate of malachor completely out :ph34r: He is rather quiet but he gives a solid combat,and he's one helluva double-bladed 'saberman,and thats all I need.

  6. Lightning to the face?Thats how Palpatine got that messed up Face,mace Windu reflected Palp.'s own lightning at him into the face and it made his flesh begin to melt thus making him look like some sort of gooey furby.



    Darth Coran, Sith klutz....



    There is no reflecting going on with this lightning...u are just getting hit by lightning....many sith Lords shoot lightning...



    And you haven't seen the movie yet have you? Let's see how it all unfolds....



    DeathScepter...Sith in denial....Stalker of Darth Revan....



    Revan has put a restraining order on DeathScepter...




    I didn't see the movie,but I read the book.



    Sithy Been Served. :lol:

  7. if she didn't "prattle" there are alot of things you would have missed,and if she didn't "prattle" at the end the games ending would've been that much more confusing,besides,it better than having the same amount of prattling done instead by some square headed ghost that God only knows what he's saying.


    You can make all the excuses you want for why she is how she is, but that doesn't change the fact that the description still fits appropriately, does it?



    a good gentlemen knows when he is beaten,I tip my hat to you.

  8. QUOTE(Darth Coran @ Apr 12 2005, 07:28 PM)

    Ok,let me rephrase this"And Nobody as of yet has given me a serious,game-official,rank."



    I shouldn't have to do these things,and because of my having to retype,you shall be without children...forever*aims throwing stars carefully*







    And now the fool has gained my attention!


    You want a serious game official rank?


    You are a level 2 soldier/level 10 Sith Assassin....


    You were an apprentice under DeathScepter, an infamous Sith Mauradur during the times of the Jedi Civil War. DeathScepter was a close friend of and Trained by Darth Revan, and when Revan was thought to be dead, and betrayed by Malak DeathScepter took the role of Darth Revan in memory of his friend. Malak always despised the New Revan as did Revan (scepter) despise Malak.


    While you were under apprenticeship of DeathScepter, he was tragically killed on the Star Forge by the Redeemed Revan, neither of them knew they were fighting eachother, and friend was slain by friend.


    This newly redeemed Revan turned back to the Darkside and became the Dark Lord of the Sith. and Re-invented the Sith Empire...for a time.



    You, Darth Coran took on a new Sith Master...Revan's new right hand man Lord Satasn.


    Lord Satasn was a famous Jedi Consular in the Sith War against Exar Kun, and people even rivaled him to be the one to defeat Kun, but as fate would have it, Satasn was destined to be at another location when Kun was defeated. During the Kun War Satasn's padawan left the order for the Darkside and Satasn blamed himself for this. Satasn, after years filled with anger and resentment of the loss of his apprentice, and the stagnant ways of the Jedi, went off with Revan to confront the mandelorians...Master Satasn was the oldest Jedi to go fight in the Mandelorian Wars, and was looked up to by all, he shared much information with Revan in the ways of battle, which lead to Revans' extreme sense of military tactic.


    Satasn, tho wise for his years, was corrupted by the Darkside of the force during the wars and became a Powerful Sith Lord. Revan was to be Satasn's apprentice but then Satasn disapeared and Revan took on the role as Dark Lord.


    Years later during the Jedi Civil war Satasn resurfaced, without giving reason to his absense...many wondered if he had been living a double life.


    He rejoined the Sith (and now at current times) took on the apprentice named Darth Coran. Coran had much to learn in the ways of the force, and the darkside.


    He had learned little from his former master, Deathscepter, because he did not care to learn the ways of the mauradur but wanted to be a Sith Assassin.


    Darth Coran learned much under the apprenticeship of Lord Satasn, in the ways of stealth and power, but never understood the nature of the force or the darkside and therefore never tapped into it's true power.


    Darth Coran attempted to confront and usurp his master, to become Lord of the Sith....it was this time on Korriban where the two fought, in the tomb of Naga Sadow...Coran attempted to strike Satasn down with his lightsaber, but Satasn parried the attack and knocked the lightsaber out of Coran's hands. Within seconds of the fights start, it was finished when Lord Satasn cast a bolt of lightning at Coran who had no idea how to counter it, and caught it with his "shocked" face...


    After Weakening Coran with the Lightning attack, Lord Satasn put away his lightsaber and took out his Sith Short Sword and cut the wrist of Darth Coran, leaving him to bleed to death in the tomb of naga Sadow



    gee that doesn't sound anything like some evil emperor I know. :thumbsup: besides,hand wounds aren't mortal,If some 90-something old hag can take a wrist I can take atleast 3 limbs.

  9. well this game is my first non-guardian kotor II game(all my others were guardian/weapon masters)the reason that I didn't do it again for a long time is that I find peragus redundant,and well...a bit scary. :"> but this is also my first female game,and my first time getting disciple,and turning Bao-dur into a jedi,I have only completed Dantooine,and the first half of Onderon and I already jedi-iffied Atton,Disciple,and Bao-Dur. :D

  10. Nihilus, the world killer, makes a far more convincing final bad guy than a muddled, prattling, hypocritical, gimped old hag. 




    now,as I have seen this so many times in your posts I can't remain neutral-no stepping on anybody's toes,you keep referring to Kreia as something something hag,you're giving her rude names to make your side sound better,now please,if we may continue this debate with solid arguments rather than insulting the other side's representative?and Drakkonen,I am not insulting you or anybody else here,I just want for you to stop making this into more of an insurance commercial than a debate.Now,after the debate,Juma Juice is on me. :thumbsup:

  11. well thats ironic,I was replaying the game and I managed to get an onasi blaster from the gut...of...a....cannok....it would appear that carth was the shortest lived admiral there ever was,that or Dustil been teh owned...and I wonder how an onderon soldier had a circlet of Saresh,and a different ondie soldier had Exar Kun's light armor in a dif. game



    these have got to be the most well paid soldiers I've ever seen. 0_0

  12. if you go hardcore with either consular or guardian you basically don't have to bat an eyelash,weaponsmasters take everybody down in a few barrages,and consulars just shock the hell out off everybody with force storm(and if running low on rations,force fried cannok makes a lovely dehydrated meal.)

  13. I chose other,because as impossible as it is,I think if Obsidian worked with Bioware,we could truly have a game,the influence,powers,feats,and overall ability to do an SW story about finding one's self instead of"good guy walks up to bad guy,makes speech about goodness,kills evil guy",and the way that bioware can create unique characters that truly have a personality of their own"Carth,the mistrusting captain,Mission,the kid from the streets,bindo the runaway jedi ect."




    ok,now that I have stated my unsatisfiable opinion,you may proceed to mock me. :">

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