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Darth Coran

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Posts posted by Darth Coran

  1. Ooh, Kreia, definately!  I remember when I saw some teaser screens for the game before it came out, I'd see her and think, "Ok, I already don't like this person.  Why do they stick an old woman in your group?"  But now that I've played through the game (beat it this afternoon XD) I think she is quite...interesting.  Her darkness is subtler, but it also runs deeper.  In my opinion a better Sith is one who isn't perhaps so blatantly evil, where they run around with an "I'm sinister!" sticker on their forehead...but rather, one who is so corrupted...eh...I can't figure out how to end this sentence.  Anyone know where I'm going with this?  :o



    I'm thinking you're trying to say that you believe Kreia to be much more Evil than Malak yet being much more subtler than Malak(though considering his tactics,a screaming bantha could be more sublte than him)

  2. There are too many double Bladed lightsabers in Star Wars games.


    They are suppose to be this rare weapon that require huge skill to use.


    Heck my first time through the game at one point I had 1 single blade saber and 4 double blade before I figured out I could save and reload to get a different random saber.


    Jedi Academy is even worse. You go to the final levels in that game and just about every other Jedi or sith has a saber staff.


    There is nothing wrong with a game giving the main character one or a special boss battle but they shouldn't be as common as they are.


    Jedi in the movies and books are almost totally single blade users.


    The Games should reflect that.



    considering only one person has ever used a double-bladed in the movies I'd say alot more than almost of our force-wielding friends.

  3. Nothing perverted, just the realisation that Star Wars is like Indiana Jones -- tough badass male characters with bitchy/miss priss women who, in the end, are kissing the male's feet.


    I'm all for different types of plots, but no one should change how Star Wars (or Indiana Jones) is. Its 'cheesy' like that, but entertaining. As soon as you get a female character who's on the same level as Indiana or Anakin or Luke or even Carth, it loses its feel. Its like those Extreme Ghostbusters episodes or X-Men Evolution cartoons -- its not it, just an attempt to please idiots who watched the original and enjoyed it but mask that with, 'It needs to cater to my stupid ass.'


    Oh, what next? A movie entitled 'G.I. Jane' or something (Jk)? But seriously -- I'm anticipating Indiana Jessica 3: The Last Maxipad



    I'm pretty sure when you reveal that you watch X-men evolution cartoons you give up the right to call other people idiots. :o"

  4. I was recently using the whereami arm band to unlock doors that otherwise couldn't be opened. I did all the usual things like going to the hidden places in the Trayus Academy, then got the idea to warp to the droid planet and use it there. With the arm band, I was able to open several force fields and invisible walls until I got to a large fish that looked very similar to the giant fish from Manaan in KotOR 1. I was wondering if anyone had seen this before or if anyone has any idea as to why this fish was placed on this planet (possible cut plot elements)?




    what the hell is a whereami arm band and if it lets you tele to droid planet where can I find one?

  5. I'm thinking that it's talking about Revan's corpse but I'm not sure. 'Cause I was reading prima official guide to kotor 2 xbox it said that when you kill revan you get a lightsaber off is corpse. I don't know if this is true cause I played xbox and when I killed revan I didn't get anything or maybe I just didn't notice. :(



    I'm pretty sure it doesn't show a picture of it,it's given after you defeat him in the same way that you are given the programming spikes from T3,in this little list thingy. :ph34r:

  6. Implants:

    Mental Boost D-Package


    These are some of the items really worth finding! Armors... Bah.... With an Ebon Hawk full of Jedi's, you don't need them.


    There are really great implants in the game. Sucks that my Exile can't use any, as I left his Constitution at 8. :p


    Wish Implants were Feat levels as in KotOR1. But oh well, the game is still enjoyable. :D



    con at 8?how did you actually beat the mining droids? :(

  7. It's stereotypical, you see -- the Disciple's manners are, that is... just another issue to add to the growing list of reasons why female gamers need to be catered to. I mean -- that couldn't possibly be how someone acted!


    It's just so unfair! I refuse to even pick up my controller until they modify the Female PCs so that they experience their period every twenty-eight days (or on every planet). As for what happens when it occurs, I don't know. I think the penalties you receive while having it should be the same ones you receive when you're inflicted with the Plague Force Feat.



    I can see it now,new force powers


    Lightsiders:Force Tampon

    DarkSiders:Rabid Period

  8. I'd say your first stop is definetly Nar Shadaa, on Nar Shadaa you're sure to get at least 3 lightsabers, you get the last parts needed to reactivate HK, you get the levels needed to turn the handmaiden into a jedi guardian, you get the npc encounters needed to turn Atton into a jedi sentinel, you get Mira and the means to turn her into a jedi sentinel, or you get Hanharr if you're DS, you get Goto, and you get crucial influence needed to turn Bao-Dur into a jedi guardian.  You get your prestige class there too, but you get that by leveling anyhow.  All of this can be done between the moment you first land on Nar Shadaa and the first time you leave it.


    After that, I guess you could check out Dantoine, good lightsaber stuff there and probably enough influence to finish turning Bao-Dur.


    Either that or Dxun, which seems like the better choice, you get Mandalore there, other quests require him to be present.



    actually no you couldn't do it all between entering than leaving for the first time,I'm pretty sure you have to do one more planet after dealing with Camahkt to get the message from Squiddy.

  9. Since this game is riddled with glithces and we've all been complaining loudly about them, I thought I would just start a thread where people can just post some of the glithes that they've experienced that were just so bad or off the wall it was laugh-out-loud funny.


    I'll start.


    Onboard The Ravager when you confront Colonel Tobin.  On more than one occasion after I killed him, he would give off the female dying moan.  So, unless Tobin was actually a transvestite or on hormones or something, I assume this was a glitch.


    And I think I would need a screenshot to do this one justice.  But as I'm currently at work, I don't have access to the game or any screen capture software.  So bear with me.  But on Dxun when you go into the Mandalorian camp and you talk to Zuka (the computer guy that's having all sorts of problems getting things up and running) he'll be talking to you and then he'll go into his typing-on- the console animation and it totally looks like he's playing with my female PC's breasts.


    Coincidentally, this has only happened whenever I've played as a female.  And I'm totally not kidding about that. :cool:


    This probably isn't even worth a thread, but I just thought to make light of something that's actually quite annoying.

    this is my first time as female exile and I noticed the mandalorian glitch as well,and I also noticed it only happens as female,Maybe the devs were being a tad naughty? :rolleyes:"

  10. I would want to see a mining planet, with machinery and acid rain from al lthe pollution....hmmm...I forget what planet it was on, but perhaps the planet in which th valley of the jedi is, I remember that from the Jedi Knight series of games. I dont even know if that exists at the time of KOTOr II though. Another idea is a planet that is entirely gas, and have floating platforms, like the Tibana gas platforms around cloud city from the movies. Either that or a planet of women...all women, in scanty clothing.



    that would be Ossus,made famous by its truly wonderful robes in K2,sadly it was destroyed and looted over time,by salvagers and Exar Kun and Uliq Qel-Droma,though the thought of being able to loot it myself would be really great,all those lightsabers,lightsaber pieces,holocrons. :rolleyes:

  11. thats not a bug,its just he has very little dialogue,but everybody is really easy to make a jedi,as male I managed to get everybody(excluding Bao-Dur and mira since I didn't have her)into a jedi before I met my first jedi master,I met disciple,went to the office of khoonda,than made him a jedi,and I had already gotten atton and Bao-Dur,but I gotta say,Using Visas and Handmaiden as jedi...it certainly is classy having an all-girl cabiret(sp?) of jedi. :blink:  <_<  :thumbsup:  (w00t)  :D



    A bit OT, but how did you get Atton as a Jedi before doing Nar Shaddaa? I didn't think you could LS Jedify him without taking him to the refugee sector.



    I said I didn't finish it,not that I didn't walk around. :cool:

  12. Lightning to the face?Thats how Palpatine got that messed up Face,mace Windu reflected Palp.'s own lightning at him into the face and it made his flesh begin to melt thus making him look like some sort of gooey furby.



    Darth Coran, Sith klutz....



    There is no reflecting going on with this lightning...u are just getting hit by lightning....many sith Lords shoot lightning...



    And you haven't seen the movie yet have you? Let's see how it all unfolds....



    DeathScepter...Sith in denial....Stalker of Darth Revan....



    Revan has put a restraining order on DeathScepter...




    I didn't see the movie,but I read the book.



    Sithy Been Served. :)


    God you're so simple minded....



    I'm going to get out of my civilised manner of slamming and just slam you.


    I know that's what happens in Episode 3 I just said u havent seen the movie, well to no real point really, just to say it.


    But the lightning thing still seems to confuse you. I was not served by your post. Your post served nothing but a mentally retarded ewok his breakfast...


    that was cruel you say? Well I've lost my ****ing mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :devil:





    In the post where I told a very complex story, just to get to the point of me kicking ur ass....I stated that I knocked ur saber out of ur hands and then electrocuted u, and then slit ur wrists to leave you to bleed to death....no where in that post did u reflect my lightning back at me...and in that sense, it has nothing to do with episode 3 or anything with any other star wars character......



    Enjoy your breakfast....



    DeathScepter is Revan made Flesh.



    For he is one of the True Sith is cyber space.


    Don't act like you're the Only one!!














    Metadigital....you are the Dark Lord of Skywalker Sound.....Digital and Deadly!




    goodness gracious,I was just joking around,that really hurt my feelings,not to sound sappy,but wow,that was incredibly rude.


    Is it me, or does he remind you guys of the Sith Student at the Sith Acedemy in Kotor 1.....who didnt feel he was cut out for the Sith and u could either redeem him to the light or rat him out/kill him to Uthar.....




    I say we kill him!





    is it me,or does he remind you of a rude inbred person without enough brain capability to spell words correctly? :huh:

  13. Lightning to the face?Thats how Palpatine got that messed up Face,mace Windu reflected Palp.'s own lightning at him into the face and it made his flesh begin to melt thus making him look like some sort of gooey furby.



    Darth Coran, Sith klutz....



    There is no reflecting going on with this lightning...u are just getting hit by lightning....many sith Lords shoot lightning...



    And you haven't seen the movie yet have you? Let's see how it all unfolds....



    DeathScepter...Sith in denial....Stalker of Darth Revan....



    Revan has put a restraining order on DeathScepter...




    I didn't see the movie,but I read the book.



    Sithy Been Served. :)


    God you're so simple minded....



    I'm going to get out of my civilised manner of slamming and just slam you.


    I know that's what happens in Episode 3 I just said u havent seen the movie, well to no real point really, just to say it.


    But the lightning thing still seems to confuse you. I was not served by your post. Your post served nothing but a mentally retarded ewok his breakfast...


    that was cruel you say? Well I've lost my ****ing mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)





    In the post where I told a very complex story, just to get to the point of me kicking ur ass....I stated that I knocked ur saber out of ur hands and then electrocuted u, and then slit ur wrists to leave you to bleed to death....no where in that post did u reflect my lightning back at me...and in that sense, it has nothing to do with episode 3 or anything with any other star wars character......



    Enjoy your breakfast....



    DeathScepter is Revan made Flesh.



    For he is one of the True Sith is cyber space.


    Don't act like you're the Only one!!














    Metadigital....you are the Dark Lord of Skywalker Sound.....Digital and Deadly!




    goodness gracious,I was just joking around,that really hurt my feelings,not to sound sappy,but wow,that was incredibly rude.

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