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Everything posted by Spif

  1. FFS, SPOILER WARNING! I have been trying hard not to read ANY spoilers about Half-Blood Prince, and you just ruined that. Only 16 hours till I get the book and you just ruined my excitement.
  2. It was caused by a bug. When I first talked to the Captain in the northern computer room I did not tell him right away that I had already done what he asked, and the option did not become available again.
  3. How do I destroy the one where Kavar is?
  4. Playing as i Light Side character, I have cleared the whole palace but I still can't open the door to Generel Vaklu. I have have done all I can with both computer panels, but the terminal outside the locked door is still offline. The Caption (or whatever he is) in the computer room to the north is saying I have to go to the other computer room, but I have already done that. Any advice?
  5. How do I get Kreia in there? I have tried everything
  6. I'm not able to (force) persuade the Handmaiden to let me into the Meditation Chamber, so what do I do? How do I gain acces?
  7. Sorry mkreku, but that is never going to happen. I'm like the only anti-monarchist in this country. I really doubt the Danish population will ever realize the royal family is fooling around with their tax money. My countrymen
  8. Doesn't it look more like a snake-dragon-thingy? Watch the movie slowly and you will see what I mean.
  9. None of the above since Denmark is not on the list... I'm pretty sure we're still in the A group (although we suck compared to many of the other teams).
  10. Om my god, this place is crammed with Swedes and Finns We are in dire need of more Danes to keep the average insanity level at a more normal plane
  11. From the website: "Mark's current projects include Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords and motion picture trailers for X-Ray Dog." It's him
  12. Are you a clairvoyant? How exactly do you know that Halo 2 will be good?
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